Gyurcsánys now incite against vaccines


Since the coronavirus epidemic appeared in Hungary, the left has tried to cross the common defense wherever it can. The line could continue indefinitely, but in recent days we have undoubtedly reached a low point: the Democratic Coalition (DK) has started collecting signatures against coronavirus vaccines, suggesting without any evidence that the Russian and Chinese vaccines are not the thing. reliable enough. This is not only a lie, but it is even more dangerous: with this, Ferenc Gyurcsány endangers people’s lives. This is because there is only one final way to stop the virus: if as many people as possible get the vaccine.

DK launched its latest online query on Thursday night, perhaps venturing more than ever into the attack on the common defense.

They make vaccines a political issue

A two-question questionnaire appeared unexpectedly on the website of the left-wing party, in which the Gyurcsánys asked people which vaccine they would choose if they decided to get vaccinated against the virus.

“Would you get vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine?” – the first question is answered with “yes” and “no”. If someone voted for the first, you can indicate in the next round which vaccine you would choose. Options include German, American, Chinese, and Russian vaccines, but you can also click “I would get vaccinated with any of them” and “I don’t know.”

As is usual with DK online inquiries, the questions and answers given to them are quite manipulative, in other words, targeted. In fact, the introduction to the questionnaire highlighted that “the Orbán government has so far been more open to Chinese and Russian vaccines.” By implication, this suggests that the reliability of these agents is questionable. The Gyurcsány party, which is interested in people’s opinion – but in fact manipulates it – in its post published after the launch of the petition does not put it very correctly “Our message to Orbán: do not perform human experiments on Hungarian people.” This was justified by the fact that they thought the Russian and Chinese vaccines were unreliable. What his statement was based on was unclear from the brief description (or statements by party politicians). Then Gyurcsányék

They did not launch a real consultation, but a politically motivated action.

DK has made a policy issue on coronavirus vaccinesSource: MTI / Balázs Mohai

Not to mention that even the starting point is a big lie. The Prime Minister has made it clear that the government has “immobilized” Western vaccines, but at this point it is highly questionable when they will actually be available in April, May or even June. Therefore, he argues that if a vaccine is made somewhere before, Hungary will ask for it too, as speed is now more important than anything else.

The vaccine is not a political problem, but a health problem, since lives must be saved

– Viktor Viktor pointed out.

At this point, it is definitely important to emphasize that the coronavirus epidemic can be stopped with vaccines alone, everything else, including wearing masks, is only good for keeping it under control. By trying to shake public confidence in vaccines, Gyurcsány’s party is putting human lives at risk and increasing the chances that the infection will spread.

Do they collect data at the cost of human lives?

The pseudo-survey also has another cool feature, as respondents have to fill out a form before asking questions. Gyurcsány’s part is, of course, curious about personal data, first of all the following should be given:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Email address
  • Phone call
  • country
  • Postal Code
  • Settlement

It is revealing that whoever does not reveal their data will not have access to the questions. So

Gyurcsánys are at least as interested in people’s data as they are in their opinions.

It is also questionable how legal the data collection is: there have been more than once examples of similar actions deemed illegal by the data protection authority.

Momentum is also active against the Russian vaccine

Not only DK, but also Momentum, considered by many to be the party’s youth organization, is attacking the Russian vaccine.

In yesterday’s video message, the party’s president, András Fekete-Győr, also pointed out that the vaccine coming from the East is not reliable. For this reason, he asked members of the government to get vaccinated against everyone with the drug.

The Russian vaccine is reliable

Left-wing politicians say not only that the government does not prefer Western European vaccines, but also that the Russian vaccine is not reliable.

Yesterday, the Novosibirsk Vector Research Center said antibodies were detected in all volunteers vaccinated with the second Russian vaccine, EpiVacCorona. “Clinical research has shown that antibodies have been detected in 100 percent of the volunteers immunized with EpiVacCorona. With regard to the cellular immune response, it has already been observed that most of the volunteers vaccinated with EpiVacCorona have developed an immune response of Specific T cells after vaccination “.
– can be found in the communication of the research center.

It was also noted that no side effects have been reported in previous trials. Earlier, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó explained that according to a mid-term report on the Russian vaccine, the effectiveness of the vaccine is 92 percent.

They hinder the defense from the beginning

Gyurcsány’s action is not surprising in the sense that since the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary, the left has tried to cross the common defense wherever it can.

In the spring, his MPs refused to support a trial of the coronavirus law under an expedited procedure, then rejected the legislation itself in a vote. This was a huge hurdle to defend against a virus that was still completely unknown at the time.

Tímea Szabó, leader of the dialogue groupSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

However, the government has only asked for support to be able to make its decisions quickly until the epidemic subsides. This was so unacceptable to the left that they started a strong dictatorship with their international allies. These allegations were also completely unfounded, since, as the Cabinet promised, the legislation was repealed as soon as the epidemiological situation justified it. The left also regularly mocked Cecilia Müller, who, as the national chief medical officer, successfully led the first wave of defenses.

The most brutal attack can be attributed to Lajos Korózs, a representative of the MSZP. The left-wing politician has published a video in which a paramedic made crude lies about how the health system works. As it turned out later, Tímea Szabó, the leader of the Dialogue, voiced Athina Németh’s false statements before the Socialist representative. The fact that the domestic left colluded with its international allies beforehand, that the camouflage video lies of the left appeared in a British medical newspaper.

Korózs learned nothing from the past and shared a rumor about the coronavirus epidemic on his community site in the fall, just before the parliamentary session on the extension of the emergency. In writing, he proved that the coronavirus is now the most common cause of death in Hungary. It quickly became clear that the statistics used for its publication were based on lies. The Fidesz-KDNP is demanding the resignation of the politician from the head of the public welfare committee due to gossip. However, the left is closed-minded and unwilling to give up its socialist politician, who is causing a national scandal with his unacceptable demonstrations.
