Table of Contents – Domestic – Fear and tremors in the fitness rooms?


According to the current state of science, gyms are not a focal point for the spread of the coronavirus, but they are important for maintaining, improving and preventing health. Furthermore, fitness rooms are a source of livelihood for thousands of people and are now in grave danger.

Tamás Radnai: All of our gyms are lifeboats in our country, which is full of chronic patients

As president of the National Association for Functional Fitness Competitive Sports, how do you think the health promotion and fitness industry will be affected by the coronavirus epidemic and restrictive measures?

Tamás Radnai

Tamás Radnai: Basically, we understand the government measures taken to reduce the epidemic, its spirit. Also, competitive athletes are not subject to restrictions, so it may seem like a problem to an outside observer, as the population can move out of the room anyway, they think. But the situation is far from rosy.


We have amateur runners who have to work for a living! (By the way, we look forward to the opportunity to participate in the 2028 Olympics.) In the special and functional gyms that our athletes need, not only the athletes train themselves, but also the workouts they do. But the biggest problem is that the audience of the rooms is mainly the population; competitors cannot maintain such a place themselves. Thus, the gym is also a place for the preparation, financing and financing of the room by the athlete.

What are the reasons why rooms should be opened?

Gyms have an extraordinary role in disease prevention: thanks to the movement that takes place in them the state can save on healing costs and gain a healthier workforce by promoting long-term health. They are also essential in regeneration processes. We believe that functional gyms can be solved with low-risk training.

What steps have been taken to initiate the changes?

We circulate and sign the petition written by Péter Lakatos on behalf of the community, on the basis of which, for example

we would await the launch of KATA.

Péter Lakatos: Gyms are a must!

As a fitness coach and sports expert, you see the short- and long-term effects of hallway closures. Do you consider this to be a logical and sensible step?

locksmith peter

Péter Lakatos: There is no consensus on the spread of gyms for the spread of this new type of coronavirus, so a representative survey was conducted in Massachusetts to find that 45 of the 1,384,000 registered gym participants in the region had a coronavirus infection in the body between July and November 2020. so only 0.0000325 percent of those who wanted to train could be at risk.

To make an objective assessment of the closure of the rooms, it is convenient to compare the undetectable risk mentioned above with the benefits:

there does not appear to have been any advantage of the closure, but the disadvantage is even greater, because

Regular lack of exercise can cause physiological and psychological damage.

He considered gym work to be of the utmost importance. Why?

I would like to emphasize prevention. Hungary is the leader in Europe in terms of obesity and diabetes, as well as hypertension, and the death rate from these diseases is also alarming. This is accompanied by a fundamentally pessimistic and stressful attitude, which completes the disaster. Even in the shadow of the virus, people often run away to eat, although there would be people who would rather go to gyms! In addition to deteriorating mental mood, the closure of training venues also poses a serious health risk, as the average person is rarely able to perform optimal training in home and outdoor conditions, even if the training is not prohibited by law. Without proper exercise, bones and muscles break down, the immune system weakens, and the rate and chance of developing many other diseases besides coronavirus can increase, making it dangerous for most people to move. Unsupervised. I would also like to emphasize that gyms are a livelihood for thousands of people, so in the absence of change we may soon face some degree of collective unemployment.

What would you consider a professional solution? Is there a realistic possibility that those who work in the sector will receive real support?

We believe that coaches provide a vital service. Due to the rate of spread of the coronavirus, I would in no way recommend full opening, but at the same time the current situation is absurd, unreasonable and desperate. We would have to find a compromise solution: in person

I would consider it appropriate to allow supervised personal training in small gyms.

Comply with the rules and pay close attention to the number of staff. In the case of state aid, the MoveLab A community of 2,500 coaches, an organized emerging advocacy group, has sent a petition to decision makers asking, among other things, for a KATA tax exemption for workers in the sector.

Long Solid: The gym is the generator of the sector

As president of the Hungarian Association for Functional Fitness, how were you affected by the strict set of regulations, including mandatory shutdown?

long solid.png

Long solid: Market players in the sector have already demonstrated in the first wave of the epidemic, and are still demonstrating, that the community is more important than individual interests. Gym owners voluntarily closed their rooms in handling the epidemic during the March period, assuming great responsibility. Meanwhile, the question has arisen of what will happen to the many players working in the sector if it is closed again. Therefore, in August, in preparation for the next second wave, which is currently prevailing, we approached the relevant bodies to develop a common set of proposals to protect the sector. This was not considered important by the ministry at the time, so we made a responsible decision again without preparation: we closed it again. But now there is a serious problem. The collapse of theaters could also result in the collapse of an entire market sector, and this could lead to the loss of jobs for many Hungarians. It is important that the public understand and support our requests, which we also make to the government. Human health is paramount; this was the case in the first wave, and continues to be so. Not only because of the scope of the law, but also because everyone’s main goal is to get back our pre-viral lives.

What do they want to achieve? What is your concept?

Legislators must realize that we are too few to fund this. Ensuring our corporate social responsibility and the operation of the sector already goes beyond our own financial capabilities.


In our opinion, the owners of shopping centers and other properties should also play their part in the fight against the virus, but unfortunately they are not willing to do so, respect the exception. However, the worst part is that it changes the focus of the point. We are not asking for a rescue package, but a clear clarification of the lease. In the current situation, a central decision on the part of the state would be the biggest and most sensible aid. This would preserve our resources to save workers.

László Zopcsák: The key is in sectoral cooperation!

As a professor at the Real Madrid Graduate School, a decades-old health and fitness promotion school, owner and strategic director of IWI, and coordinating director of foreign professional groups, what do you think of the limitations?

lászló zopcsák

László Zopcsák: I see everyone here on the edge of the abyss. The livelihood of gym maintainers, owners and trainers, and the lack of regular, effective and controlled physical activity of the population, jeopardized the possibility of strengthening the immune system, physical and mental resistance. The sector that maintains the fitness industry facilities is approaching collapse, and this is spreading throughout the service chain, but for me, the development of human health is an even more urgent problem, the real key issue here: Hungary leads in serious but preventable deaths in sport; obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems are rampant and present. If the mobility of the half a million people who exercise is reduced with the help of the fitness industry, even young residents who are still moving house will not find themselves in dire straits – the third most vulnerable group is age.

What do you think would be the solution?

First of all, it must be seen that the national network for the promotion of health and fitness is extremely disorganized, irregular, and this has been the case for many decades. While other healthcare players have a group of cameras that monitor job standards, many are unaware that you can also earn a state-recognized coach qualification, a higher education, or even a college degree in the field of sports. recreational. A uniform training record would be needed to identify: who can practice and under what conditions? The results of the sectoral cooperation experiment so far are not visible.

The key is in collaboration.

I also believe that a cluster-like cooperation, such as tourism or agriculture, would be needed here where all players in the fitness market, even commercial competitors, could retain their own identity and values ​​and communicate for a common goal. Trainers, animal owners and other actors do not have a common alliance for advocacy, although only by acting together in the field of prevention could we be part of the community of health practice and make the government hear our voices.

What would the next thing be?

First the damage assessment, then the development and dispatch of the joint package to the competent authorities.

  • Damage assessmentAs a European model, we will soon be sending an anonymous questionnaire to collect the challenges, solutions and losses of our industry every six months: in January, with the help of Deloitte-Europeactive, we were able to assess the sector’s financial demand (turnover) for optimal operation. . That could be the basis of the comparison. So
  • a joint, comprehensive formulation rescue packagewe would do we would send it to the secretary of state a recommendation for all players in the sector, in which, in addition to financial aid, we would also formulate targeted subsidies: since the gyms had to be closed, it would be important to reschedule and release rents. Personal trainers must ensure that they can continue to conduct individual training in studios in accordance with strict epidemiological rules. For example, the work of physical trainers could be supported by electronic means: with an alternative training session online, streamed, both the coach and the creative owner can get some of their money, digitization can keep their guests and, Most importantly, the population remains unsupervised during the epidemic. movement without training.

Top Image: Guests at the South Bay Gym train in a space separated by protective plastic walls due to a coronavirus epidemic in Redondo Beach, California – MTI / EPA / Etienne Laurent
