Medical Chamber: This is not a lottery to decide who will receive care.


The Hungarian Medical Chamber rejects the articles according to which they would like to decide by lot in their ethical recommendation which coronavirus patient should be preferred by hospitals if they had to choose between them. Lénárd Rita The vice president of Club Radio said: a well-developed scoring system determines whose chances of survival, with a lottery possible only in the latter case.

We have previously written about the ethical recommendation of the medical chamber, the document summarizes what happens when a free intensive care unit is exhausted and patients awaiting care must be classified.

Miklós Kásler At the same time, the Minister of Resources stated that he could not identify with the content of the recommendation – it resulted from the Hungarian Nation article, which emphasized that they could also decide by lot who should receive the benefits.

Rita Lénárd said about it, they hope for the best, but they want to prepare for the worst, and there are similar recommendations around the world. In the case of a massive accident, it is often necessary for ambulance doctors to be classified in care, the same thing happens sometimes in emergency departments. The vice president emphasized that the point of his recommendation is that they want to save as many lives as possible. If the tragic situation had more patients needing intensive care than opportunities to do so, it would not be the order of arrival that would decide, but the chances of survival. The scoring system classifies the functioning of organs because they can be used to calculate with relative precision who has the best chance of survival. It is not the doctor who performs this procedure, but a team called triage.

He added that the recommendation lists many options for classification, so there is a “near zero” mathematical probability that no distinction can be made between two patients other than by lottery.

Featured Image: MTI / Zoltán Balogh
