Travelers from Hungary to Ukraine must go home in quarantine. The number of active infections in the country already exceeds 300,000 and the number of new patients has once again broken a record.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Hungary was again classified in the red zone by Ukraine on Friday. Arrivals from countries classified as risk for the red epidemic, that is, coronavirus, must be subject to home quarantine in Ukraine, which can only be suspended before the deadline with a negative result of the PCR test. Previously, on October 30, Ukraine reclassified Hungary from green to red, before that it was only “red” for a week in early August.

The spread of the coronavirus infection in Ukraine accelerated further, tilting the previous peak in two thousand days in a row. According to official data, the number of infected people in Ukraine increased by 14,575 cases to 598,085 the day before, and the number of deaths increased by 229 victims to 10,598. So far, 274,324 have been cured, but the number of active patients has risen to 313,163.

Most of the new patients, almost 1,400, were again reported in the most infected area of ​​the country, the capital, Kiev, where the number of identified infections has almost reached 56,6,000 and the number of deaths has risen to 33,080 with 33 new victims.

Last day, many 1,728 patients with coronavirus and suspected infection were hospitalized in the country.

Following the publication of the approved law in the Official Gazette on Friday, it will be possible to impose on-site fines in Ukraine on Saturday for those who do not wear masks covering the nose and mouth in public buildings, closed public places, including shops and transport public. It is not yet mandatory to wear a mask on an open street. The fine can range from 170 to 255 hryvnia (1800-2750 forints).

Sergei Dubrov, an anesthesiologist and expert at the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, said on Friday that he had experienced in the last month and a half that the coronavirus was causing dangerous complications in Ukraine not only in older people, but also in younger people in their 30s. forty and free of chronic diseases. He added that there are still two of those patients on a ventilator in his hospital’s intensive care unit.

Dubrov believes that now, regardless of age, there is a fifty to fifty percent chance that the disease will be more severe or milder than someone’s, while in the summer, those under the age of sixty still often get infected. easily. Like you said, you don’t know if this is caused by a mutation in the virus or something else, it’s up to virologists to find out.

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In one day, 3,251 new infections were found in Croatia


On Tuesday, 38 people died from illnesses caused by the coronavirus in Croatia, and the number of new infections set a record. Meanwhile, a crowd of tens of thousands held a commemoration of the city’s siege in Vukovar, although epidemiology experts say the area could be a new outbreak.

In the hospital, he is the president and chief of staff of the coronavirus of Ukraine.


Volodymyr Zelensky says it’s not in bad shape.