The Christmas deputy didn’t go all alone


Many were surprised by the resignation of David Doros, but the deputy mayor had been without air in the city hall for a while.

Chose an unusual way to quit David doros Deputy mayor. Thursday night he posted on his Facebook page one Christmas to Gergely letter addressed, to which he also responded a few minutes later, that is, it cannot be said that the mayor was unexpectedly hit by the announcement. However, several of them were surprised by the city council and also by the mayors of the district. However, the surprise only applies to the moment, because the conversational deputy mayor has long been known to be running out of air.

I can not say that Gyurcsány You are fired Kiss the ambushes. A general bad mood began to form around him.

Said a district mayor, referring to two theories that emerged about Doros’ departure.

New homework

The government will do everything possible to make the work of the capital impossible, so in the next period I would like to serve the people of Budapest and Hungary with all my energy for the change of government.

David Dorosz explained his departure.

As a member of the deputy mayor’s party presidency, he was invited in the fall to lead the preparations for the parliamentary elections. This also means that if Tímea Szabó will be the designated Prime Minister of Dialogue, Doros will assist in the pre-election as campaign manager. The other co-chair, Christmas, is currently officially in a position not to accept the nomination, but several members of his staff have said it is not final, and the mayor is awaiting his departure. The MSZP, an ally of Dialogue, is preparing for Christmas, but the DK wouldn’t mind focusing only on the leadership of Budapest, so the mayor is also a major asset in the competition between the two sides.

In any case, Doros would not be a stranger if he had to go back to work for Christmas, because the campaign manager was there before the municipal elections. Gala. J. Zoltán near. We have been mentioned by several of our sources, which motivated Doros to be able to fill this position only in the Dialogue.

David is a thirty-something politician who still has big plans. Few mayors are often remembered, I think he was well aware that he would have more leeway if he changed

One of the sources from our city council assessed the situation. On the other hand, many already doubt that Doros would have decided to resign without putting pressure on him at City Hall.

Dávid Dorosz and Tímea Szabó. Photo: János Marjai /

The five

David made the respectable decision to choose a job instead of a position and a position to work exclusively for the change of government, helping the Dialogue and the common opposition.

– wrote Gergely Doros in response to his resignation letter.

The mayor has since corrected the entry, modifying it so that Doros chooses not “the job” but “that job”, but by then several had found this to be a malicious expression. I mean, Doros’ work ethic left a lot to be desired, as Direkt36 wrote in their article on the first year of the Christmas era. They recalled, “For example, it happened that at the campaign staff meeting, Doros was concerned about the cover of his own upcoming book, not what was going on in the discussion.” In other cases, the cases involved stalled or progressed slowly.

This can also be shown by what, according to most of our sources, became the real reason for Doros’s departure:

more and more areas were taken away from him, and even if he started something, he usually didn’t get any resources for it.

The straw that broke the camel’s back could have been the last modification of the organizational and operational rules, which may soon be decided by the mayor, since a general meeting will not be held during the emergency. However, we know that he has the support of the factions, so the change will take effect, which would have further reduced Doros’ room for maneuver.

Doros was elected deputy mayor for climate protection and development after his success in opposition in the fall, making him one of five MPs for Christmas. It was clear that the record number of MPs was justified mainly by the fact that all the parties that contributed energy and resources to the campaign had introduced the bill.

The MSZP Katát with a cat delegate for the one who failed the mayoral election in District V. Despite becoming an influential deputy city manager, Christmas, the mayor said in a leaked recording:

I did a lot of research on this too, in the sense that I didn’t know that Leisztinger had these issues in District V.

Christmas hinted that he was an MSZP politician Tamás Leisztenger he was a partner of an oligarch. For this reason, the ball still stands now, because a company related to Leisztenger became the winner in the BKV tender under MP MSZP. On Friday, Tüttő asked the BKV Supervisory Board to examine the regularity of the public procurement procedure out of turn.

To DK-s Gy. Németh Erzsébet neither was Christmas spoken more positively on the same recording. “There is no danger of the seventeenth. Erzsébet Gy district. Németh wins the elections, ”said Karácsony, who later entrusted Gy to human affairs. Németh at the town hall.

Gabort Kerpel-Fronius he was mentioned as the weakest deputy, and there was talk in the hallways of the town hall that the most embroiled parties had shaped the division so that less specific areas and with less money available were added to Momentum. Kerpel-Fronius, on the other hand, worked on some major projects.

The other two deputies were elected so that the mayor would also have allies among his deputies. Responsible for the budget Kiss Ambrus came from the outside world to the parties (although before the MSZP Peter kiss worked in the Chancellery), also worked in the Prime Minister’s Office before 2010 Csaba tordai forms a strong duo with legal advisers. The latter is known as the one who sees through the organization and operation of the town hall, which is why it has a much greater weight in the background than its formal position.

In Turda is the seal, and in Kiss Ambrus are the coffers, so their alliance is a serious center of strength in the city hall. And according to the news, this center of power did not have a good relationship with the fifth deputy, an old friend from Christmas, David Doros, who had been by his side since the time of the LMP.

Photo: János Marjai /

I’m running out of air

Climate protection is a key element of the Christmas program, and monitoring developments, if there is money for them, is a grateful task for a politician. However, the epidemic situation and the government’s fight against Christmas has basically exhausted its development budget.

When we started working, we knew he was going to have problems. We hoped that the government, under the guise of sweet words and smiles, would hinder and prevent Budapest from developing in the way it had chosen. During the past year, we have still lost some of our illusions, the government is not only gnawing, but is pursuing a policy of bleeding and impossibility against us. Under these circumstances, we can be even more proud of the results we have achieved.

Doros also acknowledged in his resignation that there had not been a torchlight procession to be responsible for the improvements over the past year.

However, the management of the improvements got out of hand, they were gradually transferred to Kiss Ambrus, because due to the serious reorganization of the budget, he had more knowledge of this, and he also discussed them in joint meetings of the public development council. with the government.

Climate protection has moved slowly elsewhere – the Department of Climate Protection has been established With Amon Ada at the forefront, to which the aforementioned szmsz amendment also gives real potential, and the same delegates projects to Kerpel-Fronius in this area. Respectively Sándor Bardóczi head gardener is also moving into this area. Dorosz even tried to host climate protection projects in Kiss Ambrus even in the fall, but most of the time it rebounded. The situation has deteriorated to the point where they have started to joke in the city council that Doros will only be the deputy responsible for the drinking wells at Christmas.

It is true that BKK is also owned by Dorosz, but as Direkt36 wrote, “It was revealed in informal conversations within the company that Dorosz is on paper the owner of BKK, but does not actually manage it.” Doros will not be replaced by a new MP, this has been officially explained for financial reasons, his duties will be distributed, although it appears that they were largely distributed anyway. Climate protection goes to the Department of Climate Protection and Kerpel-Fronius, developments to Kiss Ambrus and transportation matters At Samog BaloghThey land with the Christmas Chief of Staff, who has dealt with similar matters anyway.

Gyurcsány is not always the answer

However, several have indicated that Doros’s departure cannot be explained simply by being pierced. Although the reduction of his powers pressured him to leave, Christmas defended his party for a long time, but became increasingly isolated at City Hall. At the moment, no one has been willing to reveal the details of this, most of all they mentioned that their business was stagnant, but this is not unique, the big bureaucracy is slowly turning anyway.

Ferenc Gyurcsány and its name came about because the special match between DK and MSZP is taking place in Budapest. The shooting of one of Christmas’s allies thus worsens the positions of the mayor and his ally MSZP. This explanation, on the other hand, hides in the fact that, as described above, Doros has become insignificant anyway, and a talker still remains in the City Hall, most importantly, in the mayor’s chair.

We also contacted David Doros by phone and SMS to ask about his resignation, however, he directed us to the press department of the town hall. Those who have spoken with him since his resignation do not appear to have escaped unscathed, but he assessed the balance of power well and made the right decision in light of that.

Featured Image: Marjai János /
