Index – National – Cecília Müller: yesterday we lost three very young companions


Individual sports have never been banned, not even now, Cecília Müller told a press conference at the operative tribe on Friday, noting that a major risk factor for morbid obesity is who can play sports outdoors. The medical director explained that the coronavirus infection had been detected in 4,440 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 165,901. Most of the 96 deaths were elderly, chronic patients, bringing the number of deaths to 3,568 and 38,074 have already recovered. Cecília Müller said at the press conference:


According to, the youngest victim, the 30-year-old, was leukemic, the 31-year-old deceased had acute kidney failure, while data on the underlying diseases of the third young victim, a man from 34 years.

Cecília Müller emphasized that the age range is very wide, in which it must be taken into account that in the case of a chronic disease, the course of the coronavirus disease is extremely severe. Cecília Müller highlighted at the press conference:

it invariably demands the maintenance of existing chronic diseases and the observance of the rules.

Regarding the latter, the medical director emphasized: he feels

the population is used to wearing masks, everyone is very disciplined.

However, he added that this relatively reassuring daily data does not suggest that the epidemic has slowed down, which can be concluded in at least two weeks.

Cecília Müller said that diabetics had twice the risk, so she emphasized that if she was ill she should consult her doctor and pay even more attention to her health. He stressed that there is also another risk factor for pathological obesity, for which he asked that

on weekends, everyone should go outside, observing hygiene rules. As he said, individual sports were never banned, nor are they now.

The medical director also noted that there was a clear upward trend in the number of hospitalized patients, and also considered the number of people on the ventilator to be “unfavorable.” He also noted that there are currently 417 social institutions involved in the coronavirus infection, six of which were involved in the first wave of the epidemic. 1,175 people needed hospital care and 586 people were hospitalized from social institutions.

In this regard, he thanked both caregivers and caregivers for their patience. Asked by the journalist what would happen if a social worker now tested positive, Cecília Müller said: it is the same as if a laboratory confirmed the infection. The examined worker receives a piece of paper indicating that he is positive, in possession of which he calls his GP, after which the epidemiological authority traces his contacts.

Finally, Cecília Müller drew attention to the fact that we should be thinking about the holidays now, not buying her hair when it gets crowded.

Regarding what is considered thorough hand washing and whether hand sanitizing counts, the medical director said:

the two are not the same, the minute one lasts long enough and covers the entire surface of the hand. He added: According to his research, the big toe is always missed. Whoever washes their hands well does not need disinfection. We leave disinfection for the period when we capture things that many people use. Added:

We try to replace the surface that we wash our hands all day with with good quality hand cream.
