Index – National – Another Hungarian Rescue Officer Died Due to Coronavirus



2020.11.20. 09:48

We have another extremely sad news to report: the rescue officer at the Cegléd ambulance station lost the fight he had fought against the coronavirus, writes the Hungarian Ambulance Workers Association on its Facebook page.

We are deeply shocked to announce that our colleague Imre H., a rescue officer at the Cegléd ambulance station, has lost the battle he fought against the coronavirus. We would also like to express our deepest condolences to his family and immediate companions.

– read on your bereavement news page. Just a few days ago, they said goodbye to the ambulance nurse at the Zadány and István Gy ambulance stations.

We are deeply shocked to announce that our colleague, István Gy., The ambulance nurse at the Zadány ambulance station, lost the fight he had waged against the coronavirus. We would also like to express our condolences to his family and immediate colleagues. We must continue to fight the pandemic

They wrote.
