Orbán on the Hungarian veto: no resources are taken from us, all developments are carried out


It was rumored that the European Commission warned Hungary yesterday that the Russian vaccine is not yet licensed on the EU market and that its rapid development carries dangers anyway, but this was rejected by Orbán. He said they would be vetted by Hungarian experts and then decide if they would get more.

Regarding Western vaccine purchases, he indicated that with the help of the European Commission, Hungary had purchased a total of 12 million vaccines from various Western manufacturers, “this may be enough if people want to be vaccinated en masse at home”, But he indicated: that when there are so many vaccines available in mass, manufacturers promise April-June.

Now we order several at a time because people will decide which one to order, so there will also be Western, Russian, Chinese and Israeli vaccines.

I would like Hungarian coercion to be ruled out and all vaccines decided on the basis of confidence with which vaccine.

He indicated that there is an internal survey on what type of vaccine Hungarians would trust and from the results he only said that 30% of the Hungarian public would choose the Hungarian vaccine, this is the highest rate. That means that people no longer think that what comes from the West is always better, he recorded.

Where the vaccines come from, they will all pass the control of the Hungarian authorities, so trust will be justified because the authority will take care of it, he emphasized.

Even with a rapidly developed vaccine, safety must be ensured, that’s the most important thing

Viktor Orbán closed his thoughts.
