Table of Contents – Foreign – Pfizer CEO: Vaccine to Launch in Hours if Approved


Pfizer could start marketing a new type of coronavirus vaccine within hours of official approval, the pharmaceutical giant’s chief executive said.

Albert Bourla told Sky News UK that the company would apply to competent authorities around the world for permission to commercialize the vaccine within a few days and was ready to ship the first 20 million ready-to-use doses immediately to the countries whose authorities they are. provide. contribution – write MTI. The head of the company added that production is still ongoing and that 50 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine will be produced by the end of the year, 1.3 billion in 2021. He also said that all this means that the light at the end of the tunnel it is visible, and by the second half of next year the situation of the epidemic will be quite different from the current one.

Let’s be patient and this will all end soon

Said the CEO of Pfizer. The director of another company, BioNTech, which was involved in developing the vaccine the other day, also said that the epidemic situation would be much better next summer than it is now, and that life could return to normal next winter. . Professor Ugur Sahin, Co-Founder and CEO of BioNtech, told BBC UK Public Service Television:

A vaccine developed jointly with Pfizer would dramatically reduce the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, even if it was not more than 90 percent effective, but 50 percent effective.

Pfizer and pharmaceutical group BioNtech announced earlier this month that the efficacy of their jointly developed vaccine will exceed 90 percent based on the results of previous clinical trials and studies. Pfizer said this week that the final efficiency ratio is even better, reaching 95 percent.

In an interview with Sky News, the CEO of Pfizer stated that the company will begin providing the necessary information for licensing to regulatory authorities around the world in a few days, and that it will be the authorities who decide from then on. moment.

Our goal is to start shipping in a few hours as soon as permission is granted.

Albert Bourla said. He added that the sooner a country grants a marketing authorization, the sooner it will receive the vaccine. According to the CEO of Pfizer, ethical considerations also dictate that if a country makes a decision before others, its citizens will have immediate access to the vaccine, since every day means lives.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at a recent press conference that the British government has already ordered 40 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. According to Johnson, Britain will be at the forefront of the international field in terms of vaccine numbers per capita, and if the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine passes all strict safety checks, the UK government will start the vaccine under the leadership of the Service of Public Health (NHS). distribution nationwide.

Without mentioning details, he added that the government had ordered an additional 300 million doses of five other vaccines in development.

(Cover image: Albert Bourla. Photo: Steven Ferdman / Getty Images)
