Manfred Weber said that the Sargentini report is not legally valid


However, in the fall of 2018, Weber himself voted in favor of the report, on the basis of which the so-called rule of law procedure against Hungary was activated under the seven-article article. Enikő Győri from the Hungarian delegation drew attention to this contradiction in the online meeting.

Regarding the announced rule of law, József Szájer, president of the Fidesz-KDNP delegation to the European Parliament, stated that

In the ranks of the EU today, the rule of law is used for political purposes and applied arbitrarily.

According to the Fidesz politician, it would be absurd to punish Hungary for its veto, as the EU treaties grant the right to do so.

According to sources, contrary to what Weber writes in a Twitter post on Wednesday,

There was a lack of coherence in the EPP group in the European Parliament regarding the conditions to be attached to the EU financial package.

It is revealing, however, that the Finnish Petri Sarvamaa, rapporteur for the People’s Party on the subject, critical of the Hungarian government, has said that the European Parliament, and therefore the European People’s Party, must defend the proclaimed conditionality.

The Fidesz-KDNP group in the European Parliament also announced on Twitter on Wednesday that the government’s position on its support was assured at the faction meeting that the budget conditions system in its current form is unacceptable.

Hungarian nation
