Index – National – Majka scanned, then scanned


Majka has been fighting the coronavirus for 12 days. We follow the facts, as he is one of the best known people in Hungary, and many people may know what this disease is like. Tuesday’s video also reveals that he is fighting a fierce battle against the infection. He also covered the Index:

they also went to such a trashy tabloid and those tabloid f * cking habits started working there

said Majka, who was outraged that our colleague had given the headline the news of Monday’s report from the rapper that he was not being treated where ordinary coronavirus patients were being cured, but in a private room.

Majka - This is a private room for celebrities, while it is located in another room with multiple beds

Since the rapper’s last login, he spoke about his own status and distinguished position.

Of course, you pay for the room, and since your daily performance can interfere with the recovery of other patients, you also chose the private room. The headline was quoted by our colleague from a commenter quoted by Majka. He made a mistake, he learned from it, it was an accident, he regretted it. The statement in the problematic title was true, but in Majka he was very reassured that we were not quoting him, but the quote he was quoting, which was not his quote, but simply quoting. Yes, the … tuk, not a little, VERY.

I’m sorry!

We apologize to our readers who were outraged that we literally quoted Majka:

Majka: I went home and went back to the hospital.

The coronavirus rapper reappeared from the hospital bed.

and therefore:

Majka: I also caught this bastard, fos virus.

But the point is, Majka is better now:

For me now, the results have been good for a day and a half, if they are good for three days, a little can be said that it is a good sign, but I do not say it at all. I hope the results are good in the next two days and then we will start the road of recovery. This is my twelfth day with the covid. If we medically look at the history of patients, then this is how it starts to come out of it. These are still the critical days. Doctors say that feeling good is in vain, the seventh day is a critical point. Just as things can change on the ninth and twelfth day. But I think because of that, things can always change.

Majka added: she always paid attention to mask and disinfection. However, while playing soccer, he was unable to avoid coming into contact with others, presumably stabbing him.

Majka’s cure is generally reported on a day-to-day basis because through her example and voice, many can understand that the virus should not be taken lightly. He is only 41 years old, he does sports, he takes vitamins, he does not belong to the vulnerable groups, but he is tormented by the virus. Basically, she sends her followers the same message as Cecília Müller, but she does it with a peaked style, sensitizing viral septics. This is now the reality show in 2020.

Index - National - Majka is getting vaccinated against everything and is already curing skeptics of the virus

The rapper gave a lengthy lecture on the coronavirus to his followers Sunday night.
