Nyíregyháza hospital outraged by articles about appointments of the head doctor of the local intensive care unit


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Both from Nyíregyháza hospital and from the corona, they cannot expect the high level of care provided by the head of the intensive care unit, including what is described on Monday after the news of the ATV Attila Szucs, the chief physician of whom he spoke.

The ATV approached the leaders of the institution, which already cares for four hundred people infected by covid, after the hospital uploaded a ten-minute video to Facebook 5 days ago in which doctors, nurses and paramedics talked about how it looks the second wave from within.

This is a rarity in Hungary, hospitals rarely make statements, hardly any photographs are taken, soldiers attached to health care institutions do not help the flow of information, and very little can be learned about internal conditions. Western conditions (such as the Italian or German press) are no longer noteworthy, but even in Odorheiu Secuiesc you can shoot without problems in the hospital.

Attila Szucs said on Monday that the ATVs did not want to scare people, but that they wanted to draw attention to the fact that there is a serious disease facing the country, which places special responsibilities on the health system.

A large number of critically ill patients are entering the healthcare system at the same time, and with such a large number of patients we are no longer able to provide the extremely high level of care, complex intensive care that many patients would normally recover. “ Said the chief physician.

Then on Tuesday, the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and the Teaching University Hospital in Nyíregyháza responded to these articles in a statement. As the szon.hu belonging to the KESMA empire writes, the hospital

“He vigorously rejects articles in various media outlets that, citing ATVs, suggest that they cannot guarantee patient care at the professional level expected.”

According to a newspaper article, the hospital’s press department said: “Despite the multiple workload and the large number of patients admitted, we provide modern equipment and cutting-edge therapies in the world, and our doctors and nurses do everything possible to achieve this.”

The Communication goes on to say: “As in other European countries, the number of people infected and in need of hospital treatment is increasing considerably in Hungary. This places a much greater burden on health than usual everywhere. Disinformation and conscious misinformation do not help the work of health workers, who fight for the life of each patient until the last minute. These misconceptions can affect patients’ trust in doctors and nurses, although in the current situation, everyone desperately needs it. We have to thank the health workers, since their commitment during this epidemic period is the most stable pillar of the care system ”.

It is characteristic of the conditions that even the county newspaper close to the government could not illustrate its article with a photo taken at Nyíregyháza hospital.

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government considers it essential to realize its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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