Russian medical director: a new mutation may be emerging in the coronavirus


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“We are seeing certain changes in the protein, data that suggests a change that has been detected in the Siberian region, suggesting that a variant of its own is developing in this region, with specific mutations,” Popova said.

According to their report, the developer of the second Russian vaccine, EpiVacCorona, is conducting research on genetic modification at the Novosibirsk Vector Science Center. As he said, a variant of the virus strain introduced from Europe circulates in Russia, no infection of Chinese origin has been detected.

Popova said Vector has begun mass testing of its vaccine, registered on October 14. The Health Ministry said on its website Tuesday that the center also received permission to test the vaccine on subjects over 60 years old. Children’s testing is scheduled to begin in December.

According to the medical director, the death rate from Covid-19 in Russia is 1.7 percent, making it the hundredth largest in the world. According to Popova, Russia is ranked 62nd in terms of infection per 100,000 people (fifth in absolute terms, after the United States, India, Brazil and France).

In Russia, the number of new confirmed coronavirus infections rose from 22,410 last day to 1,971,013, according to official figures released Monday. For the fourth day in a row, the daily increase exceeds 22,000. The prevalence is 1.2 percent and 24.8 percent of new cases are asymptomatic.

The number of active cases dropped by 87 to 461,178 in the last day, while the number of deaths dropped by 442, the highest in history, to 33,931 and the number of recovered by 20,055, this is also a record 1 It rose to 475,904.

More than 69.5 million laboratory tests have been performed in the country since the outbreak began, and about 438,000 have been performed last day. 461,164 people are under medical surveillance on suspicion of coronavirus infection. According to Popova, Russia ranks third in the G20 in terms of population coverage through tests, behind the United States and Great Britain. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that by December 6 he extended compulsory distance education in schools from 6 to 10. for his class students.

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