Breaking: Hungary buys a new military plane


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In addition to the A319 and Falcon 7X aircraft purchased in 2018, which can be used primarily for passenger transport In 2023-24, the KC-390s, which are also suitable for carrying large loads on the battlefield, will arrive in Hungary. This completes the development of the Army’s airlift, evacuation, airborne, and refueling capabilities. We are acquiring a versatile fleet for the Armed Forces, with which it will be able to solve the widest range of tasks within the national framework, in a sovereign manner, ”said Gáspár Maróth, Government Commissioner for Defense Development, according to the Acquisitions Agency defense.

Under the agreement, the army will receive so-called ramp transport aircraft, with which it will be able to operate even under operational conditions. For the delivery of large loads, military equipment, vehicles and personnel (80 equipped soldiers or 60 parachutes) up to 23 tons. Due to its special design, the aircraft is also suitable for taking off and landing in poor quality ground conditions outside a concrete airport (such as grassy airports) and for conducting air operations with parachutes. Its equipment also allows emergency evacuation, as well as a large number of patient and injured transport tasks.

The exact capacities of the transport machine can be found in the following video:

“Hungary is the second European and NATO member to choose the C-390 Millennium aircraft, a high-performance aircraft ready for a wide range of missions with unmatched speed, payload and convertibility,” commented Jackson Schneider, CEO of Embraer. Defense.

Besides Hungary, the Portuguese also commissioned from the fixed wing.

The unit production price for a KC-390 is about $ 50 million (about HUF 14.5 billion), according to Military Today estimates, but Hungary may not have paid the same for the machines. The specific purchase price depends largely on what the purchasing bodies have negotiated with Brazil, until now the material details of the agreement are not public.

Embraer said it would be the first in the world to serve in the Army contingent in a KC-390 intensive care unit configuration that could play a vital role in humanitarian missions. According to the company, in addition to humanitarian and medical tasks, the machine is also capable of carrying cargo, passenger transport, rescue tasks, and parachute missions. It is also suitable for refueling JAS 39 Gripen fighters used by the Hungarian Air Force in the air.

Embraer has also published a video of the agreement with the Hungarian government, and it is interesting that the aircraft can already be seen in the video with the markings of the Hungarian Air Force:

For the first time, in August 2019, the Brazilian media leaked that Hungary was negotiating with the Brazilians to buy KC-390, we wrote it here:

Top image: KC-390 in the Brazilian Air Force.
