Coronavirus: Something Important Revealed About Wearing Masks


Across Europe, including Hungary, the number of people infected with coronavirus is growing exponentially and health care systems are overwhelmed everywhere. There is no specific cure for the disease, so prevention is paramount. One of the basic elements of defense is the mask, which must be worn in public spaces as of November 11. About 60 percent of Hungarians agree with the decision, according to a representative poll conducted by Pulzus Kutató on behalf of

The number of people infected with the coronavirus is increasing exponentially, as is the number of people needing hospital treatment, breathing, and deaths. Slowly a month ago, the number of new cases per day surpassed two thousand, more than seven thousand were hospitalized, and the number of ventilated patients approached six hundred. The burden on the health system is enormous, and it can only be reduced by flattening the curve of the epidemic.

Several experts, along with the national chief physician Cecília Müller, warn on a daily basis that while elderly and chronic patients often develop a complicated course that slowly heals with residual symptoms or death, it can actually occur in anyone. Although a lot of experience and knowledge about coronavirus infection has already been gained, it is not yet possible to predict who will be infected, young people are at the same risk as the elderly, so everyone must protect themselves and prepare for long-term combat.

To date, there is no specific cure for the Covid-19 disease, there is no vaccine yet, only news about the different phases of development. However, there are still well-established methods to prevent the spread of the virus, the disciplined use of which is currently the most effective tool in our hands.

This is how we defend ourselves

It is essential to reduce physical contact between people, as well as to identify and isolate those infected. Equally important and effective is better hygiene, frequent hand washing and disinfection.

Scientific evidence shows that wearing a mask provides double protection. It prevents the transmission of the infection and protects the user from it. Even the simplest homemade textile mask is more than 90 percent effective at filtering saliva droplets, and the surgical mask provides 98 percent safety. For daily use, for the care of patients who do not suffer from covid, both are appropriate.

As part of the epidemiological hardening in force as of November 11, the use of masks was made mandatory in certain public areas of settlements with a population of more than 10,000 inhabitants, to be designated by the mayors. The use of a mask is not yet mandatory during sports, as well as in parks or green areas. Almost two-thirds of Hungarians more or less agree with the tightening, according to a representative poll conducted by Pulzus Kutató on behalf of

Almost 40 percent of those surveyed fully agree with the mandatory use of masks in public areas, and another 20 percent prefer yes to no. However, around 40% of the population expressed their discontent at some level and 23% rejected the measure.

On Wednesday, November 11, the day austerity came into effect, the mayors of the main cities and districts announced in turn what restrictions would be imposed on public spaces. Most also follow the principle, also formulated by the government, that a mask covering the nose and mouth should be worn everywhere except in parks and green areas.

An exception is, for example, Szeged, where the mask cannot be removed in the parks either, and in Székesfehérvár the playgrounds must also be worn for 6 years. In other places, this is only recommended. In Budapest, among others, the V., II. and III. the obligation of the public mask has become widespread in the district.

Pulse research shows that fit reception is not the same by gender. The results show that men were better able to identify with the decision, with 40 percent indicating agreement and 20 percent agreeing with the measure rather than rejecting it. Thirty-two percent of the women fully agreed with the fit and 18 percent said they would rather agree with him than not.

20 percent of women tend not to do it, and 23 percent disagree at all.

The difference in attitudes towards the mandatory use of public masks according to age is much more pronounced, which can be partly explained by the fact that older people are often at higher risk of infection.

While 22% of those aged 18 to 39 agreed with the measure and 40% of those aged 40 to 59, more than half of those aged 60 and over were clearly in favor.

There is no such difference in opinions of the type yes instead of no, about 20 percent in all ages. Overall, three-quarters of those aged 60 and over agree with the mandatory element of wearing a public mask, while only 42 percent of those under 39 responded.

There is no significant difference in the assessment of the obligation to wear a mask according to the educational level of the respondents. 41% of both elementary school graduates and graduates expressed full agreement, and among elementary school graduates and high school graduates, there was a consensus of yes rather than opinion, with 19 % of both groups giving this answer.

Overall, the highest proportion of graduates were in favor of the decision, with 66 percent approving the adjustment, along with 25 percent saying yes rather than no. Sixty percent of those with primary education and 53 percent of high school graduates agreed with the new rule.

It seems decisive to form an opinion if the respondent lives in Budapest, a municipal seat, a city or a town. The decision is widely supported by the people of Budapest. A total of 62 percent indicated their agreement, with 36 percent of those in the capital explicitly saying yes, while 26 percent more agreed than no.

Among those living in cities, the proportion of definitive yeses was the highest (45 percent) who agreed rather than not responded to the 59 percent in favor of tightening.

Overall, 59 percent of those living in the villages also agree to wearing a mask, but within this, 40 percent say yes and 19 percent prefer yes.

Here’s what you need to know about research.

The Pulse Researcher surveyed 1000 people, the responses represent the opinion of the Hungarian adult population. This means that the data, according to sex, age, education and type of settlement, reflect the opinion of the adult population aged 18 years or over according to the data of the Hungarian population.
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