Index – National – Cecília Müller: We have a state of health in which we cannot save lives


About 7 percent of those who died from the coronavirus so far did not have an underlying disease or comorbidity, Cecília Müller said at a press conference at the operational tribe on Tuesday. The medical director described that the coronavirus infection (Covid-19) had been detected in 5,203 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 152,659. 91 people died, mostly elderly, chronic patients, bringing the number of deaths to 3,281. The youngest victim of the coronavirus was a 25-year-old boy yesterday.

We lost an extremely young life. Twenty-five years was the youngest deceased and 95 years was the oldest victim yesterday

Said the chief physician. He added that coronavirus infection often appears as a comorbidity. He stressed that, in general, we must continue to protect the group of patients and the elderly who may be at higher risk of contracting the virus. He asked everyone to follow the rules. He also noted that at this stage of the epidemic, it is extremely important to reduce the burden on the health system, as more and more people are hospitalized, currently with 576 coronavirus patients on ventilators. Cecília Müller emphasized that plasma donation is still extremely important, but there are not enough applicants yet.

We also spoke several times about donating plasma during the first wave. This is an extremely remarkable act. Anyone who has suffered an infection with plasma donation can help seriously ill patients, of course it will be decided by specialists, specialists, whether the particular cure is suitable to help. 10 percent of those who want to give plasma have antibodies that they can use in healing.

The chief physician stressed, adding that

Unfortunately, there is a medical condition in which, despite best efforts, the lives of those infected cannot be saved, be it due to some underlying disease or other aggravating circumstance.

Cecília Müller explained that yesterday she could not provide the number of laboratory tests due to a data delay, so the number published today also includes the amount of data missing from yesterday. According to this, the number of PCR tests performed has increased by more than 27,000 in the last 24 hours. Cecília Müller explained that the rapid test is coordinated by the National Ambulance Service, the patient is examined at home or referred to a filter bus. He also explained that in the average of the EU countries, Hungary is in the middle of the case of the infected and the dead.

We have not yet reached the peak of the epidemic

– said Cecília Müller, since from the data of the sewage tests it appears that the amount of hereditary material of the coronavirus has increased in several cities. So that “the situation does not get worse, we must prevent the transmission of infections and prevent ourselves from infecting ourselves,” he said.

(Cover image: Müller Cecília. Photo: screenshot / m1)
