We have who will leave and leave the MNB, and who will be the new member of the Monetary Council


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The Parliament’s Economic Committee is holding a meeting today, one of whose topics concerns the Monetary Council of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB). The issue is nothing more than a candidate for member of the Central Bank’s Monetary Council.

At the moment, it would not be necessary to elect a new member, nobody’s term expires, so there is a resignation in the background. The outgoing member is Gusztáv Báger. He could be replaced by Péter Gottfried and the candidate would be heard by the Committee on Economic Affairs.

Péter Gottfried is a Hungarian politician, former secretary of state and chief foreign policy adviser to the prime minister during Orbán’s second government.

Currently, the council is configured as follows:

  • György Matolcsy, Governor of the MNB: appointed for 6 years as of March 4, 2019
  • Mihály Patai, deputy governor of the MNB: appointed for 6 years as of April 22, 2019
  • Csaba Kandrac, vice-governor of the MNB: appointed for 6 years as of October 2, 2019
  • Barnabás Virág, vice president of the MNB: as of June 22, 2020 for 6 years
  • Gusztáv Báger: elected as of July 6, 2015 for 6 years
  • Swordsman Kolos: elected since September 12, 2016 for 6 years
  • György Kocziszky: reelected since April 6, 2017 for 6 years
  • Parragh Bianka: elected since March 23, 2017 for 6 years
  • Gyula Pleschinger: elected from March 5, 2019 for 6 years

Cover image: Getty Images
