Index – National – Not all college students have to move


Tens of thousands of higher education students had to leave their dormitories on Sunday afternoon. Last Monday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that higher education colleges should be closed as part of protection against the coronavirus, and that education would continue in digital form.

According to the HÖOK spokesperson, the move was done in almost all the dormitories without any problem, the students packed everything, their parents or friends waiting for them at the entrance to help them move home. (Although there were students who difficult to receive the Prime Minister’s announcement, and in response to the news, some rooms at BME College were vandalized.)

Not everyone went home

Only those who have the rector’s permission to do so can stay in the dormitory, usually because they volunteer to fight the epidemic.

However, education will not stop, the digital work schedule will begin on Monday, and classes will be held again via the Internet.

– reported on the situation Marcell Budai, press officer of the National Conference of Student Municipalities.

The students were still restless last week. It was doubtful that those who have classes that require personal presence can reach classes from a distance of up to 100-200 kilometers and even return home before 8:00 p.m.

Flóra studies at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Debrecen, which travels 80 kilometers a day to and from. It was not a problem for him to close the bedrooms, since he had come from home until now.

It’s not a problem for me, but some of my groupmates started looking for an apartment last week to even rent an apartment together. For some subjects, only personal instruction is given.

Marcell Budai recalled that in the spring only those who lived in the dormitories could stay in the dormitories and would have gone out in the event of a possible move.

Last week, the HÖOK in a proposal asked the ministry to expand the equity aspects, that is, the range of people who can stay in dormitories.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán mentioned several times that it is especially important that as few people as possible lose their jobs during the virus, so that working students can continue to work alongside the university.

Possible collegia vectors

A HÖOK staff member also added that young people were not as affected in the spring as they are now, in the second wave. Which is also important because they can be the most asymptomatic carriers who, if they live in a home with their elderly grandparents, can infect their families.

Marcell Buda said that the novelty compared to moving in spring is that

The university rectors can request the Minister,

attend face-to-face training for certain courses. This is especially the case for medical and pharmaceutical specialties and of course the rectors will allow those who have to attend personal training and have lived in a university to continue.

(Cover image: A student packs his personal belongings and moves out of college due to a break introduced during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic on March 18, 2020. Photo: Attila Balázs / MTI)
