According to the mayor of Budapest, the government is punishing the cities led by the opposition because they want to cover up the failure of the management of the economic crisis.

The mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, responded to a survey by Závecz Research, according to which currently the opposition coalition would probably surpass the Fidesz list: 40 percent of those polled would support a common opposition list and only 36 percent would support to Fidesz.

According to Christmas, the result explains why the government is punishing Budapest and other opposition-led cities:

They are trying to cover up the failures of a dilettante and shortsighted economic crisis management that benefits a privileged few. Once again, local governments are investigating the only substantial revenue, business tax juggling, in their already punched pockets. “

Christmas wrote on Facebook that if they actually deducted the business tax, it would jeopardize the provision of public services “from the transportation of waste, through public transportation to the supply of drinking water.”

Christmas is particularly outraged that, in the meantime, the European Union government could run out of serious money if it actually vetoed the common budget.

“This is irresponsibility mixed irresponsibly with a government that would ruin Budapest for 25 billion, while preparing to deprive Hungary of 2.5 billion florins out of stupid fear of power. According to press reports, the Hungarian government wants to veto the EU budget and the billions of EU recovery funds. However, it is clear what the government must do: make sure its oligarchs can no longer steal money from the EU, adopt the rule of law criteria, involve local governments in the use of 2.5 billion in European aid to crisis management, as required by the EU. And then we could finally leave us alone, everyone could do as their principles dictate to deal with the epidemic and the economic crisis. We feel free to leave the rest to the voters, ”he wrote.

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Viktor Orbán: Hungary vetoes EU budget and recovery fund

The prime minister informed German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, by letter. Due to the Hungarian and Polish veto, no decisions have yet been made on EU budget issues.

After Orbán, the Polish Prime Minister also announced his willingness to veto the EU budget

Due to the rule of law mechanism, Mateusz Morawiecki threatens to veto an official letter, as Viktor Orbán did a few days before.