Index – National – Viktor Orbán: Hungary vetoes EU budget and recovery fund


In a letter, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán informed German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and Charles Michel, President of the European Council, that the Hungarian government would veto the budget legislation. EU seven-year and recovery fund, said the MTI. Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, on Monday afternoon.

You have just been briefed on the latest developments in relation to the implementation of the MFF / NGEU package (the Multiannual Financial Framework and the “New Generation EU” Recovery Instrument).

– Viktor Orbán wrote. In his letter, the Prime Minister confirmed that, in accordance with the principle of “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”, the Hungarian government will vote against all elements of the MFP / NGEU legislative package, including vetoes that require unanimity. , such as the MFP Regulation and own resources. decision.

Bertalan Havasi recalled that Viktor Orbán had previously stated that he endangered trust between Member States, as well as Hungary’s interests, if the upcoming seven-year budget and the emergency recovery package were subject to conditions that do not specify which one is. the alleged infringement. , and can arbitrarily lead to a policy-based budget sanction using a double standard. Common values, including the rule of law, are essential for Hungary, and their compliance and implementation must be judged by the Hungarian people, who are as capable as any other European nation.

If Hungary vetoes the EU budget for 2021-27, it will turn into a crisis; As far as we know, the Hungarian negotiating delegation in Brussels has now faced a prominent EU official.

We asked Zoltán Kovács, Secretary of State for Communication and International Relations: is the government prepared for this crisis? Are they sticking to their mandate even at this price?

We did not change our position, our principles, we could not have done it on the basis of the mandate of the National Assembly. The responsibility lies with those who have created a new situation despite Hungary’s clear and well-known position.

Zoltán Kovács told the Index.

The secretary of state said that the Polish government had also vetoed these two issues.

At the same time, Justice Minister Judit Varga posted the following on her Facebook page:

Veto. The responsibility lies with those who allowed the ideological debates to take the rescue package hostage and violate the July agreement between the state and the heads of government. Hungary has quite complied with the EU treaties and the July agreement. He never sold sackcloth. Only the Hungarian people can decide the fate of Hungary.

⚠️Veto. The responsibility lies with those who have allowed ideological debates to take the rescue package hostage and violate the …

Posted by Judit Varga – Monday, November 16, 2020
