Table of Contents – Sports – Within Reach From Group Victory


Before anyone goes down in the last few days, not just on various social media platforms, but even on the comments of guys who consider themselves professionals, the nonsense that Nations League matches are irrelevant in heaven, and we want these matches in the middle of our backs, in a hurry, no matter what results we achieve on Sunday against Serbia and on Wednesday against Turkey. The European Qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup will be held in Zurich on December 7, and the hats will be designed according to the Coca-Cola World Ranking on November 26. Fifty-five countries will fight for the 13 seats reserved for our continent, and it will be almost twice as difficult to get to the World Cup as the World Cup, although it was not easy either.

If we beat Serbia, we will certainly be at least second in Group B, Group 3, but we could even be first.

But more importantly, with the possible victories, the self-esteem and self-confidence of the players and the team will be further strengthened, as Marco Rossi stressed the federal captain.

The compilation was a bit strange in the absence of Gulácsi, Orbán, Sallai, Fiola and Szalai Attila, but the Dibusz – Kecskés, Lang, Botka – Bese, Sigér, Ádám Nagy, Kalmár, Holender – Szoboszlai – Nikolics Eleven did not look weak at all, in fact, with the trio ready to deploy, Bookes, Gyurcshko, and Nego, who could make a difference in the match, two of the heroes against Iceland looked particularly striking against the Serbs who had once been defeated. 1-0 in Belgrade.

The start of the Hungarian team, which won 1-0 in Belgrade on October 11, went to five places, and that of the Serbs (Dmitrovics – Milenkovics, Spajics, Gudelj – Radonjics, Lazovics, Lukics, Maksimovics, Risztics – Jovics, Tadics) Hat on. The two federal captains could not be on the bench at Puskás Arena, Marco Rossi had not yet recovered from his coronavirus infection (replaced by Zoltán Gera), Ljubisa Tambakovics and he is currently spending his suspension on the match he lost against us.

As the Russians were eliminated 3-2 by the Turks in the group, the Nikolics could jump to the lead in the event of a win.

The MLSZ published a tasteful programming booklet for the match, in which the text of the Hungarian anthem can be read in both Serbian and Turkish. Serbian translation László Rátgéber the work of the head coach, the professional director of the National Basketball Academy …

The first situation was in front of Jovics, but luckily the ball bounced off the goal in front of us, it is true, Lang also pushed the Serbian a little from behind … The pace did not kill, at the end of the spectacular Hungarian action in the 11 minutes defenders. Two minutes later, Szoboszlai tried to copy his goal against the Icelanders, but blocked the Hungarian star’s shot.

In minute 17 Radonjics on the left wing he broke in front of our goal, ran for Kecskés, knocked down the defenders and skillfully kicked the ball from 11 meters to the right corner, 0-1. Well, Willi Orbán missed a lot in the defense axis … In the 23rd minute, Szoboszlai fired a free kick from far, but the goalkeeper was left in the gap. Like Dibusz on the other side of the Tadics position.

In the 31st minute, Szoboszlai’s 25-meter free kick, touching the wall of the line, slid into a corner, then a minute and a half later he fired a bit next to it, from where he took Iceland’s goal on Thursday. In the 36th minute, Szoboszlai missed our biggest position yet, headed Ádám Nagy’s pass from 8 meters, pointing forward, exactly into the hands of Dmitrovics.

In the 39th minute, there was finally a draw. Squid forced Nikolic, recovered the ball at a great pace and rolled from ten meters to the right to the left corner, 1-1. That is practically the end of the first half.

The first position of the second half was ahead of Radonjics in the 52nd minute, but the Serbian striker headed to the side this time. It didn’t seem at all that the Serbs mainly played in leagues and teams more prestigious than ours, there was no difference on the field. In the 58th minute, Nikolics was replaced by Könyves and Sigér by Nego. As we have anticipated in our introduction. For a minute, Holender hit the baseline with a dizzying series of tricks, but they got into his administration. A fast Hungarian versus promised a lot, he played for Kalmár Könyves, but our Belgrade striker inexplicably took the ball out of the situation. In the 68th minute, Holender was replaced by Ant.

Neither team looked sad about the 1-1, although for our fate to remain in our own hands, we should have won. Yes, but I preferred that the guests played in the party hair. Then we had a situation in the 76th minute after Szoboszlai made a great crooked pass to the right, but the Serbian goalkeeper defended. In the 78th minute, the tired Schäfer Szoboszlai replaced Bessé with Gyurcs. In the 81st minute, Jovics was at the foot of the match ball, but his cornering shot avoided four inches from the bottom right corner. In the last minutes, the ball bounced in front of our goal, but he managed to get it out without another goal.

The draw was fair, even without the many key players on our national team, he was an equal opponent of the well-to-do Serbs and kept his chances of group victory ahead of Wednesday’s close at home against Turkey.

Nations League Class B, Group 3, Round 5:

Hungary – Serbia 1-1 (1-1). Puskás Arena, closed door, directed by Nyberg (Sweden). Goals: Kalmár (39.), resp. Radonjics (17th)

Group status:

1. Russia 8 points, 2. Hungary 8, 3. Turkey 6, 4. Serbia 3.

(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)
