An extreme Islamist worked for the German Immigration Office.


A suspected extremist Islamist has been discovered at the German Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BAMF), German news portals wrote on Sunday.

According to a statement by the Interior Ministry on a written question from the Die Linke faction of an opposition party in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) A specific case is known in the field of Islamism and Islamist terrorism. at BAMF, and this case is in the suspicion stage of the investigation.

The faction also asked if there was an effort by foreign intelligence services to recruit informants who worked as interpreters in the asylum office to monitor migrant opposition figures. The Ministry limited itself to stating on this issue that At the office, which employs more than 8,000 people, national security screening is part of the hiring process.

The Interior Ministry’s compilation includes, among other things, the dismissal of a BAMF employee who, according to the Constitutional Court, was a member of the German National Democratic Party (NPD), representing an ideology related to National Socialism, and made comments anti-foreigners and anti-Semites on community portals.

In addition to the BAMF, other German state institutions may also expose extremists or informants working for foreign intelligence services. In June this year, for example, the Ministry of Defense announced the reorganization of the Army’s Special Deployment Unit (Bundeswehr) (Kommando Spezialkräfte – KSK) due to far-right changes, and in July the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic announced that intelligence against Germany a member of the Information Service (BPA) who, according to press reports, may have been spying on Egypt.
