Index – National – While the police are detained for the curfew, TEK also handles the order


On the Facebook group that I heard in Pest, a picture appeared about TEK commandos equipped with a submachine gun, a pistol and a Rahedl surgical mask to place in Ferenc Deák square. (No, they are not selfish with Insta, they stand in one place and protect the area.)

The photo, taken at 12:12 p.m. on November 12, took social media by storm with everyone asking if an elite unit of police was seriously needed to enforce the curfew. And how TEK can protect citizens from the coronavirus.

We are looking for a Center against terrorism, which is why special squads of the forces of order were ordered to the streets. TEK said the extraordinary legal order is extremely burdensomethe police, therefore:

In relation to access restrictions, according to international experience, the number of crimes against certain assets may increase, and to react quickly to this, TEK supports the performance of police tasks in Budapest and in rural cities where an operations department operates .

The professional members of the Counter-Terrorism Center are police officers authorized to act and carry weapons. So even they can justify anyone they find suspicious.

The rigor comes at 8 at night: departure only with employer's certificate, or if the dog has business

The police can fine multiple times in a single night. We will show you what to look for.
