Romanian doctor transported to Belgium trying to rescue his patients from a burning room


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A Romanian doctor who was injured in a fire on Saturday night that claimed ten lives while trying to save his coronavirus patients in intensive care was airlifted on a Romanian army plane to a Belgian military hospital on Sunday.

Catalin Denciu, 48, was on duty in the intensive care unit at Christmas Hospital in Piatra Neamt on Saturday night when a fire broke out in an intensive care unit filled with coronavirus patients. The main square knows that an overheated infusion syringe pump started to spark, which could have caused the fire. Due to the proximity of the oxygen source, the hospital equipment caught fire within seconds and the fire spread to intubated patients.

One of the two wards in the ward was completely burned down and the beds were removed from the other to the emergency room. According to media reports, Denciu also tried to rescue his patients from the burning ward, but was unsuccessful and suffered burns on about 40 percent of his body. According to Transindex, the doctor’s plastic protective suit caught fire and practically burned his body.

In the fire, ten Covid-19 patients lost their lives: it is not yet known whether it was due to burns or smoke poisoning. The six surviving companions were transferred to the intensive care unit of a new mobile hospital in Iasi overnight.

The Romanian media, in connection with the transport of a doctor with burns to Belgium, recalled the 2015 tragedy in Bucharest when a fire broke out in the Colectiv Club in Bucharest during a concert. Most of the 64 victims at that time died weeks later due to nosocomial infections. Family members blamed the health authorities for rejecting the foreign aid offered because they did not want to admit that they could not provide a suitable sterile environment for severe burn victims in Romanian hospitals.

According to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who left the crisis staff meeting prepared for the Christmas fire on Christmas Sunday morning, the causes of the fire are not yet known, we must await the result of the expert investigation. However, he added: all he knows is that due to the growing coronavirus epidemic, these days they have been working on the expansion of the hospital’s intensive care unit.

Romanian media also revealed that no less than eight directors at the Christmas hospital in Karácsonkő took turns in the last year. The director most recently resigned after the press wrote: Suspected Covid patients would have to wait hours in the cold in front of the hospital until it was their turn to be examined.

In Romania, the rate of coronavirus infections has doubled in the last three weeks and the healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. Hospitals are full, empty beds are filled in minutes, medical staff complain of overcrowding. According to the latest announcement from the ministry, in early November, there are around 1,250 beds available in the intensive care units of Covid hospitals across the country. According to the status report on Saturday, 1,172 of these were registered.

(MTI, Transindex, Main Square)

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