Trump is playing a dangerous game by refusing to hand over power


It has been more than a week since the US presidential election took place, and days ago, in keeping with decades-long traditions of universal acceptance, major television companies and news agencies also announced the winner in person. of the Joe Biden Democratic Party. However, Republican President Donald Trump remains reluctant to admit defeat, even though he has yet to substantiate the electoral fraud he alleges. Meanwhile, the country needs to be prepared for the transfer of power, which is a huge task by default, and now it is even more complicated.

Honestly, it’s pretty embarrassing.

This is how he described it Joe biden The president-elect of the United States told the current president on Tuesday, Donald trump, who was re-elected, is still unwilling to admit defeat. Republicans still insist that electoral fraud has occurred, although they have yet to come up with a single tangible proof of it.

The stakes are not small, so New York Times He called all fifty US states and asked those responsible for conducting the elections if they found any leads of fraud. Whether they spoke to a Democrat or a Republican politician, no one noticed. Since then, the winner has been screened across states: Biden is expected to get 306 votes and Trump 232, but the president continues to insist on initiating proceedings.

Donald Trump’s right to seek an investigation into a questionable outcome is not in dispute, and members of the Democratic Party have emphasized that all legal votes must be counted and have no problem recalculating votes when necessary. Another issue is that there are usually a few hundred deviations from the first result in the tally, and there are currently thousands and tens of thousands of differences between Biden and Trump in favor of the first.

Photo: Josh Edelson / AFP

Huge job

When the new president of the United States takes office on January 20, 2021, the new cabinet must also be ready to lead a country ravaged by a coronavirus epidemic and an economic crisis. According to the current position, the 46th president of the United States, Biden, will be the one who will have to assemble a whole new government and administration team, not to mention that he will take charge of today. What a huge task it is Maximum bull, the director of a non-governmental organization that helped the presidential inauguration, spoke with CNN-to:

the [amerikai] The federal government is the most complex organization on our planet in terms of operation. It has a budget of more than $ 5 billion, and if we include soldiers and reservists, it is 4 million people. Of that, two million are civil servants working hundreds of jobs, and there are still 4,000 political appointments for the president.

An organization of this size cannot transform overnight, and even if employees remain at the lower levels, appointing 4,000 people to the president is still very difficult. Especially that 1,200 of them will have to go through national security and conflict of interest controls, and their appointment will also have to be approved by the Senate. Obviously, these people are key figures in government under whose leadership the two million civil servants can do their jobs.

Stier also said that the transition period had started earlier on Election Day, but that the adjusted time of two and a half months until the president’s inauguration was generally not enough, so we managed to get the process started earlier based on the law. Biden was already contacted in the spring when, after the Democratic preliminary elections, it turned out that he would be the party’s presidential candidate. Traditionally, various federal agencies have been discussing the current situation in the country with the president-elect since the election, but now the government body overseeing the transfer, the General Services Administration (GSA), has also cut communications with Biden.

It’s not a game

The danger to the country of interrupting the transfer of responsibilities is illustrated in the example cited by Stier when the Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that Florida George Bush he won and thus became president, the delay in the result also delayed the national security appointments. And that, according to a report, helped the United States government not to prevent the killings of September 11, 2001.

Now, perhaps, the threat of terrorism is less, but because of the pandemic, the United States cannot be calm at all. The epidemic has so far killed 246,000 people in the country, registered between 120,000 and 130,000 new cases per day, and the number of active infections is 3.7 million. Trump, despite the fact that he and several members of his staff have been caught with the coronavirus, constantly questions scientific opinions.

Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images / AFP

Biden, for his part, has already stated during his campaign that he will tackle the epidemic with the help of experts, and on November 9 he also presented his 12-member team of experts, with whom he regularly discusses the epidemiological situation. The president-elect is preparing to take office on January 20 as scheduled and will prepare decisions that will allow Trump to reverse several of his decisions, such as withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement.

But what is Trump doing in the meantime?

The president is preparing for next year as if nothing had happened, and so are his ministers. Mike pompeosaid the head of the Foreign Office at a press conference that they calculated it would be easy to go from the first Trump administration to the second Trump administration, and even added that it was too early to say who had won. The minister’s comments outraged many diplomats who said Pompeo was undermining his work, as leaders of several countries had already congratulated Biden.

William Barr the justice minister wrote to the ministry prosecutors to investigate “indications of electoral fraud”; the head of the department investigating these cases subsequently resigned. Meanwhile, the White House has instructed federal agencies to look forward to next year’s budget drawn up by Trump’s cabinet.

There are also transformations in the government: Trump fired him on Monday Mark Esper Minister of Defense, with whom his relationship has deteriorated in recent months. Among other things, because Esper did not agree to the deployment of American soldiers in American cities to quell the protests. The new executive minister Christopher C. Miller who also appointed a new chief of staff, Kash Patelt, Trump is an absolute believer.

The Pentagon’s secretary of state for political planning and the secretary of state for intelligence were also replaced. Former Anthony Tata who in 2018 called him “terrorist leader” on Twitter Barack Obama. Along with Mark Esper, a total of four leaders left the Pentagon, all replaced by staunch supporters of the president. And that’s probably not the end: News reports say Trump is expected to replace the directors of the FBI and CIA in the 70 days until the next president takes office.

Featured Image: Kerem Yucel / AFP
