The time has come for Republicans to finally say that it is an unpleasant thing to lose, but that is the case, John Bolton, a former National Security adviser to US President Donald Trump, said in an interview with Club Radio, where he also spoke about the defeat of the republican politician. caused by the mismanagement of the coronavirus epidemic, and also that, despite the good relationship between Orbán and Trump, they have reservations.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

“There was a very close competition in the election between the two candidates, but the result I think is already clear, Joe Bident was elected president. However, I do not dispute that the President has the right, within the limits provided by law, to seize any opportunity to challenge this. It also means that you must prove whether you claim the election was fraudulent. There should be something behind your claim, you can’t just talk to the blind world. And you must present evidence that the court accepts. But from what I just said, the Republicans should convince the president together. If only because they haven’t been able to provide any tangible evidence so far. What we are experiencing now, however, does not benefit the country or the Republican Party. Their accusations are completely unfounded, ”said John Bolton, who was ultimately removed from the post of National Security Consultant in 2019 in an interview with Kulbradio.

In the interview, Bolton also talked about how long it took him to realize that Trump was unfit for the job. “I started working with him in April 2018 and I trusted him to the end to grow in his work. Who understands what presidential responsibility means, as it has with every other president in American history. I was very disappointed when I realized that I could not understand the seriousness of the job and see what could make us a good president, ”he explained.

The former national security adviser said Trump was unaware of the strategic threat posed by Russia and China. He did not understand the presence of weapons of mass destruction reported by Iran and North Korea, be they nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. “But the most serious problem and the biggest mistake was not wanting to realize the threat posed by the new coronavirus epidemic for the country. He didn’t want to realize it was like this, anyway, but it hurt the economy, even if he stuck his head in the sand. He has done nothing to alleviate the epidemic and its consequences, and that is why we still suffer from the pandemic to this day, ”Bolton said.

Bolton confirmed that a good relationship had developed between Trump and Viktor Orbán, but also said he did not think highly of Orbán either. “The president has generally judged his official relationship with a foreign state through the prism of his personal relationships. In fact, I can only confirm that the relationship between Orbán and Trump is good, but at the same time we have serious concerns about Hungary. It is an ally of NATO and once independent from the Soviet Union, now under Russian influence, which also means that Russian influence and military threats have spread to the Central and Eastern European region, ”he said. Bolton, who also wrote a book on the lord of the White House, said he didn’t really know where Finland was, but he had other shortcomings as well. “Did you ask that Finland still belongs to Russia? He thought that Venezuela belonged to the United States. Nor did he know about nuclear power in Britain. Theresa May asked the latter directly while they were sitting at the negotiating table in the country residence of the British prime minister, ”Bolton listed.


Bolton, who is considered a “shell” of the Republican Party, said that the Trump presidency has greatly diminished the international vision of the United States. “It was damaging, but not so bad that it was not possible to restore the image of the United States. I think our own friends abroad have come to realize that Trump himself is an aberration. His entire presidency is a big mistake. While I disagree with Joe Biden on many things, we return to a normal life, a normal schedule, which in itself I appreciate. We often see opinions in the media that Trump has changed America, I don’t think that’s true, and we’ll see when everything quickly returns to the old wheel when he leaves, “he said, adding that Trump would not start over. . for the presidency. He tries to convince people that he will run in the next presidential election, but that is my prediction and I hope so, he will not run again, ”he predicted.

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