All-day curfew imposed in Austria, shops and schools closed


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The Austrian press has been reading since Friday that more restrictions should be introduced because the restrictions that took effect on November 3 did not stop the spread of the virus. (More or less the Hungarian government has also taken over these measures.) In Austria, 1,661 people have died from the coronavirus so far (2,990 in Hungary) and 584 are in intensive care. Authorities can no longer track 77 percent of new infections.

That is why Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had already spoken on Saturday that there was already too much contact, so he suggested: “Don’t know anyone!He announced that the restrictions would apply from Tuesday through December 6:

  • Stores will be closed, only grocery stores, pharmacies, tariffs, banks and post offices can remain open;
  • the curfew will be in force all day, you can only leave the apartment in certain cases;
  • hairdressers and estheticians must also close;
  • lower secondary schools and kindergartens are also closed (providing supervision to those in need);
  • all workplaces should be relocated to the home office whenever possible.

The new rules also more strictly restrict who can comply outside the home. Therefore, you can only meet one partner or other close relatives who do not live in the same household. Kurz said that everyone should identify the person they are in contact with.

Exceptions also include when someone needs to be cared for or family responsibilities must be met. Individual sports and dog walking are still allowed. Keep a distance of one meter in public areas and a mask indoors.

Austria currently has the highest rate of new coronavirus infections by population worldwide, according to Our World in Data. For the seven-day average, 831 new infections per million inhabitants, surpassing Georgia (781), Switzerland (743), Czech Republic (674) and Slovenia (668). (ORF / standard)

When the country awaits measures against the epidemic, the government considers it essential to realize its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war on sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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