It is given twice with an interval of 28 days and its effectiveness is more than 92 percent according to preliminary data.
János Slavik Around six different vaccines for coronavirus are currently being tested around the world. The South Pest Central Hospital chief physician listed these guys and technologists on the state news program.
He said the simplest vaccines are protein-based, trying to protect people by introducing different proteins. Russia uses two of these technologies and the United States, England, Germany and China are also developing three to four types of vaccines.
According to MTI, János Slavik confirmed that an effective vaccine developed in Russia to prevent coronavirus infection could reach Hungary from December. This will be a shipment that will be inspected, that is, it will be sent to the Hungarian specialists who deal with vaccine research.
As he said, the technology used for the vaccine produced in Russia dates back quite a few years and an Ebola vaccine has been developed similarly in Africa. The vaccine from Russia for the test is the so-called adenovirus vaccine, which is based on a benign human virus by modifying an inactivated version of it so that the human body can recognize it as a coronavirus and produce antibodies.
Dr Slavik said it was important that vaccines from Russia could be used in Hungary. As you said, Hungary also has a long tradition in drug development and vaccine production.
therefore, it is a completely logical step to try to build a Hungarian vaccine for the Hungarian people. This vaccine must be administered twice 28 days apart. Its efficiency, according to preliminary data, exceeds 92 percent.He did not rule out that in the coming months they will be allowed to test this vaccine in hundreds or thousands of people. As you said, based on testing to date, two vaccines have reached or exceeded 90 percent effectiveness, which is very good news. This means that by vaccinating 50 to 60 percent of the population, a major epidemic can be avoided. For a vaccine that is 70 to 80 percent effective, 70 to 80 percent of the population must be vaccinated against herd immunity.
All vaccines are still in the development stage, but as time passes, accurate information will become available so that everyone can decide which vaccine to choose. János Slavik said that according to preliminary information, the vaccination will be voluntary, everyone can decide for themselves if they want to be vaccinated, they will probably have to go to the GPs to get vaccinated, but it will take a few more months.
The chief physician stressed that it is important that people at risk first, that is, the elderly, the chronically ill and health workers, and those responsible for managing the country, receive the vaccine. János Slavik finally confirmed that the effect of the latest restrictive measures can only be felt later, because the incubation period of the disease is 5-8 days.
Featured image: Márton Mohos / 24.hu