Index – Abroad – Pfizer vaccine will be cheaper in Europe than in the United States


The European Union has managed to reach a favorable agreement with the pharmaceutical manufacturer, according to which its member states can receive the vaccine for less than the US price of $ 19.5, of which it has ordered 200 million doses, Infostart wrote. The price of the vaccine will be closer to twenty dollars than ten, but you still can’t know more.

Starting with the coronavirus vaccine, which appears to be the most effective so far, the EU has established an option to buy an additional 100 million doses in addition to the initial 200 million doses, giving all 27 Member States access to the drug to a better price than the US market. In contrast, the initial US order is only for 100 million doses, which may be why they get the most expensive vaccine, although the article also notes that the US has the option of an additional 500 million doses of vaccine. .

The discount is also due to the fact that both the European Investment Bank and Germany have supported BioNTech’s research to develop the vaccine. The company said this week that the price of the vaccine will vary for developed countries depending on the quantity ordered, and that regional differentiation will also be used in the price.
