Their demands also include that the government help workers and employers with EU funds instead of a hunting exhibition, an Olympic stadium and a Belgrade railway.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day, and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

The National Board of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) demands the immediate closure of Hungarian public educational institutions. In their announcement on Friday evening, they highlight: Schools in Austria will close from Tuesday to December 8 due to the epidemic. It was pointed out that now that the Prime Minister’s “laboratory” is closed, where epidemiological data is much more favorable than in Hungary,

It is time to say again: we demand that you do the same.

Since the situation in Hungary is much worse than in Austria, the communication calls for the immediate closure of the entire institutional system. During the shutdown, the comprehensive tests promised and funded by the state of institutional staff must be implemented, they add.

Visits to institutions should only be possible with a negative test after reopening.

The government should organize childcare for health workers and critical service providers in the same way it was able to do in the spring for the prime minister and staff of some ministries, they write. Their demands also include that the government help workers and employers with EU funds in lieu of a hunting exhibition, an Olympic stadium and a Belgrade railway. They also demand that

A parent who is forced to stay home during the epidemic with their child must also be declared unable to earn a living and receive additional income replacement assistance in addition to their sick pay.

The PDSZ also mentioned that after the reopening, upper and lower secondary students must study according to a digital work schedule for the entire duration of the epidemic situation, normal work hours should be possible only for the lower ones. . And for those who are lagging behind in digital education, organize digital learning groups. They are also calling for the obligation to visit institutions in kindergartens to be suspended after opening.

If Austria is the laboratory, we can start to worry

Despite the rigor that arrived almost two weeks earlier, the infection data from our western neighbor is still far from reassuring. Our chances of survival, on the other hand, would be much higher in Austrian hospitals. Together, the two figures predict a dark Hungarian December.

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PSZ requests an aid of 100,000 HUF per head for teachers who teach from home
At home

The interest group is not satisfied with the government’s measures and suggests others.

Vince-Kacskovics Mihály Béla Ballai
At home

Although the ministry said schools had managed to avoid becoming hotbeds of infection, this did not appear to be enough to reduce the vulnerability of teachers. While reports have been received of several educators who have died from the coronavirus, the government is unwilling to give schools more autonomy to protect their own educators through breaks, distance learning, or other curricular methods.