PDSZ: Hungarian schools will be closed immediately!


The National Board of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) demands that Hungarian public educational institutions close immediately.

In a statement sent to the MTI on Friday evening, the PDSZ writes: Schools in Austria will close from Tuesday to December 8 due to the epidemic.

They pointed out that now that the Prime Minister’s “laboratory” is closed, where epidemiological data are much more favorable than in Hungary, “it is time to say again: we demand that you follow suit.”

The PDSZ, claiming that “as the situation in Hungary is much worse than in Austria”, it demands the immediate closure of the entire institutional system. In addition, to implement the comprehensive tests promised and funded by the state of institutional staff during the closure. Visits to institutions should only be possible with a negative test after reopening.

They also ask the government not to leave employers and workers alone: ​​instead of a hunting exhibition, an Olympic stadium, to help the Belgrade railway, help them with the support of the EU that serves this purpose.

They also demand that a parent who is forced to stay home during the epidemic with their child be declared incapable of earning and receive additional income replacement support in addition to their sick pay.

The PDSZ also mentioned that after the reopening, upper and lower secondary students must study according to a digital work schedule for the entire duration of the epidemic situation, normal work hours should be possible only for the lower ones. .

And for those who are lagging behind in digital education, organize digital learning groups.

They are also calling for the obligation to visit institutions in kindergartens to be suspended after opening. And after the opening, parents who can care for their children at home should not be denied by the directors of the institutions, but should be automatically allowed to stay, justifying the absence – read the PDSZ statement.

