Zacher: Some people walk into the hospital on their own feet and are hooked up to a ventilator within 1-2 hours.


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The number of coronavirus patients, critically ill patients and people on the ventilator shows an increasing trend, but the supply capacity is finite, toxicologist Gábor Zacher, who participates in the fight against the coronavirus at Hatvan Hospital, told RTL Híradó.

It happens on a daily basis that the patient enters the hospital by his own feet and then is connected to a ventilator in 1-2 hours. These stories are commonplace, he added. The disease will take over the body at an incredibly high rate. A patient who hooks up to a machine has a 50% chance that we can cure it, which we honestly admit is not a good rate, he said.

It is not the instrument, the protective equipment that is in short supply, but the human factor that is most vulnerable, because the number of trained and knowledgeable intensive care professionals is limited, which applies not only to doctors but also to professionals . Those who know how these irons work are missing, Zacher hinted at the operation of the fans.

Ideal treatment ratios are beginning to change, and today even one patient can have as many as six patients in intensive care units who have the potential to make mistakes. This ratio is in peacetime, ideally for one patient per sister, he added.

It is an insidious disease that progresses rapidly. Today, not only do chronic patients with the disease start with a disability, but healthy people can also develop very serious complications, Zacher said.

This disease must be thought of as if the profession were within a forest, the Covid Forest, and a new symptom, a new complication or a therapy could arise from each group of trees. We learn this disease ourselves. In the first wave, there were drugs that we thought were effective, eg. Eg antimalarial drug, now we know that it is useless – gave an example. We do not know what complications can occur if someone goes through the disease in half a year, a year, “he said.

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