At home: Orbán dares to assume responsibility so that health carries the burden


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From the operational staff meeting, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived at the Kossuth Radio studio for the usual Friday morning interview. The host, Katalin Nagy, did not start with this match, but with the match: the Hungarian team won yesterday against Iceland and reached the European Championship. How was it last night? The first question sounded. Orbán said it coincided with the morning. Watching a game is a passion, in which case he only tours at night, but at 5 o’clock he had to get up due to the meeting of the operational staff. But

finally something good happened, it was not a simple football game but a fight against the Vikings.

Then they switched to restrictive measures. The question that Catherine the Great raises is that “the experts say” if we do not intervene, there is a 50 percent chance that she will not be left in the mud of medical care. “That’s what I’m saying,” Orbán corrects, adding that he was referring to the experts.

According to Orbán, we cannot break with Austria, the trends there are also valid here, we can calculate based on what is happening there. Health care has been prepared, all the tools are available, but “all there is” from a specialist, even with the help of medical students and soldiers.

Pharmacists have estimated how many patients can be seen by the professionals available so that they have a chance of recovery. No matter how many people see a doctor or nurse, the “ceiling” could have been broken if the government had not intervened.

The key, he said, is a curfew, which now runs between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m., that will be difficult to enforce in 10 to 14 days.

We have made our decisions at a good pace and with enough precision, I dare to take responsibility for the fact that the chances that medical care can work with so many people is over 99% and that all Hungarians receive decent care.

He stressed that all life matters, even for the elderly.

Announced the new numbers

Viktor Orbán did not say how many new confirmed infections were found or how many people died on Friday, but said there are currently 6,690 coronavirus patients in the hospital (264 more than Thursday) and 518 on ventilators (compared to 486 yesterday). Orbán said that 400 students had been mobilized for the tests, in addition to that the students from the Technical University who were transporting the doctors had also approached as “pilots.”

Nagy remembers on the show that the head of the Pécs clinic indicated that there was a problem, and then a nurse came to the ward within 24 hours. Orbán says that the subject of directing is very difficult, great to think if they would transfer me to Gyula’s studio, because it is needed there. To this, Nagy says that this usually happens, and points out that in the event of a flood, the water managers also work elsewhere, “if you have to go, you have to go.”

500 secondary schools switched to digital education, primary schools remained open (the Prime Minister did not even suggest changing this), but in 239 places, digital education is also taking place there due to the epidemic, and 208 school gardens were closed. childhood. According to Orbán, the education system can also withstand the pressure.

In switching to vaccines, Great raises the question of whether an easily imported vaccine is not at the expense of safety. Following the question, Orbán talks about the level at which certain drugs (presumably remdesivir used in the treatment of coronavirus patients, favipiravir) are already available for discussion among experts. At home, the rules for the distribution of drugs are strict.

Certainly, if there is a vaccine, it will first be given to healthcare workers. He believes that it is good to have as many vaccines as possible, which should not become a political issue. “Drop it all, people will decide which one to trust the most.” It should be kept until the vaccine arrives.

Experts say that 10 percent of the population has contracted the infection and it takes 50 percent to stop the epidemic. Will there be enough vaccine for this? The next question is. Orbán does not dare to take a position, highly respected professors are behind the various theories. Epidemics tend to disappear, it is difficult to distinguish from the literature why, but sometimes they disappear without a vaccine. If there is a vaccine, it will disappear faster, but according to Orbán, experts cannot even give an unequivocal answer to the fact that if the epidemic recedes, it will disappear or remain in a manageable form like the flu. Anyone who gives a definitive answer to this can receive the Nobel Prize.

Orbán announced a VAT reduction on takeaway food

It makes a big shift to economic issues, raising the issue with the fact that the economy has just found itself, but the 30-day shutdown will hit some sectors hard. The question is whether the wage subsidy and discounts promised so far will be enough. Orbán said that transitional measures had been taken in sectors in difficulty, and at the proposal of the president of the Chamber of Industry, he decided to reduce the VAT on food removed to 5 percent from 27 percent (now you can only remove food in a restaurant) .

The Action Plan for Economic Growth sets out longer-term measures to boost the economy. Usually this will mean tax cuts, putting companies in a position to retain and develop their workforce.

There is no decision to suspend the corporate tax also proposed by the President of the Chamber and to reduce the corporate income tax. To these proposals, Orbán said, “steep, but it can be grasped”, you just have to hit the right amount. In any case he said

he wants a notable tax cut next year.

The rule of law arrives. Nagy brings up Orbán’s letter last week in which he threatened to veto her. It’s a complicated case, Orban says. Wrote several letters, Tolstoy slowly feels like a novel hero. Hungary’s position has always been clear and transparent. It says the same as in summer. Before the July trial, the Hungarian parliament dropped some bets and will honor them.

Yesterday he had long discussions with the German Chancellor. The first is that you cannot take away the Hungarian money. There will be money, the economy will work, developments will begin. According to Orbán, there is a technical discussion in the background, but the developments will not be affected. The new bill, led by the Germans, is not about laws but about politics. If this legislation is actually passed, we cannot veto it, we will have turned the EU into a Soviet Union. There it was customary for the imposed condition not to have objective criteria, which a commission requested for ideological reasons, there was no appellant against the decision. Is the same. They want to blackmail countries. The EU was not created to be a second Soviet Union. We can speak of the European Parliament, of the Commission, but the basic unit of the EU is the Member States. What the Member States do not want will not happen.

Fat also brings in Nagy, who said we could talk about new criteria, but the basic treaty needs to be amended. Orban says we can talk about everything, but now it is not the biggest problem, it is that we do not have to talk about that, but about how many die to keep health alive and reactivate the economy. This is an issue that must be decided. And countries where public debt is above 100 percent must receive money immediately.

Hungary easily borrowed 2.5 billion euros from the money market, Orbán said by the way.

The EU’s LGBTQ strategy is also on the agenda, Great essentially poking fun at everyone by emphasizing the issue as he raises it. Orbán says that this is not what needs to be addressed, but rather to save people’s lives.
