Index – National – Viktor Orbán: Every life counts, we fight for every person


We are proud of our children because it was not just a match, but a fight last night, and defeating the Vikings in battle is a big deal, the prime minister said on Kossuth Radio’s Friday morning show after the Hungarian national team of soccer will defeat Iceland at the Ferenc Puskás Arena on Thursday and arrive in Europe. championship. Viktor Orbán evaluated the match because luckily he managed to make the form on paper, although the Icelandic team almost managed to thwart the Hungarians’ departure.

It’s a passion, it’s hard to sleep at a time like this, “the well-known football fan prime minister described how he experienced yesterday’s success. He went on to say that he had already started the day early in the morning with the operational staff and assessed the epidemiological situation. .

Experience so far shows that we have not been able to separate ourselves from Austria in terms of the evolution of the epidemic, on the basis of which we can make calculations of how the situation in Hungary is developing, the Prime Minister explained. Viktor Orbán pointed out that, according to the data received from the experts, the care system has a good chance of putting pressure on him.

We have prepared healthcare, all equipment is available, but there are as many specialists as possible, said the Prime Minister, who said of the more stringent restrictive measures recently introduced: if we did not act, we would have dangerously approached the limit of functionality. how many patients do they have.

The trend that is valid in Austria also applies at home. The decision to harden the decision was taken at a good pace, with sufficient precision, in possession of the Austrian experience, the Prime Minister evaluated, according to whom the effectiveness of the measures will be seen from the tenth day. He stressed that the system is very likely to continue to function, so that all Hungarians can receive fair care.

Every life counts, we want to fight for all people, stressed the Prime Minister, adding that protecting both the young and the old is important to the government.

The prime minister said that students from the Technical University had already mobilized to participate in the sample transport as “pilots.” They receive accommodation and three meals a day. We have great young people when they have to, they come, they take charge, they do their thing – stressed Viktor Orbán.

Although some kindergartens and elementary schools have had to switch to online education, for now, the education system is also under pressure.

Regarding the authorization of medicines and vaccines, the Prime Minister said that the rules for the marketing authorization of medicines in Hungary are very strict, this can be alleviated a bit, for example by shortening the deadlines, but safety is paramount. It is a Prussian system, polar, rigid but at the same time safe. Cecilia de Müller is working to make it a little more flexible, while still giving the system enough security, he emphasized.

In the case of a vaccine, it is good to have as many vaccines as possible. It should not become a political issue. Some people play Cold War. Everyone decides what they trust, this is not our business. I have to hold out for a few more weeks, I ask everyone to wait until then, stressed the prime minister.

Surely epidemics tend to disappear. The question is really whether the virus will disappear or will it stay here like the flu. We don’t know, “he said.

Dividing the economic protection measures into two groups, he said, there are those that will provide immediate and rapid intervention and help to economic actors, such as those that will help restaurants or hotels in the next 30 days. The other group includes those for whom a long-term effect can be expected. Such will be the notable tax cuts.

We definitely need to cut taxes, because if we don’t, there will be no new jobs, “said the prime minister, adding that as many jobs as the virus destroys, we will create as many.

Viktor Orbán said about the processes taking place in the European Union and the question of what is Hungary’s position on linking payments to the rule of law in the EU: it is a complex matter with many branches, but Hungary’s position it is clear, unambiguous and transparent from the start. and predictable. The prime minister had a lengthy discussion with the German chancellor on Thursday. According to the Prime Minister, it is so safe that Hungarian money cannot be taken away. Technical disputes that take place in the background cannot stop the large Hungarian investments: road construction, digitization, railway construction.

The Prime Minister pointed out that if this legislation, drawn up in the European Parliament, is actually passed, the European Union will become the Soviet Union. Only there was a condition imposed, for the examination of which a commission was constituted, which did not evaluate compliance on the basis of objective criteria, ideological grounds. The one who was hunched over was warned. They want to blackmail countries without redress. If a French-Belgian Dutch does not understand, I will not be surprised, because there was never communism there, Viktor Orbán summed up, highlighting that what can happen in the Union has room for what the Member States want.

(Cover Image: MTI Photographer: Szigetváry Zsolt)
