Index – Foreign – Tighter restrictions in Italy


Epidemiological restrictions will be further tightened in the Italian provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna from November 14 to December 3, local governors announced Thursday.

The tightening, which will take effect on Saturday, will last for two weeks in the three neighboring provinces closest to Hungary.

Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna have received a yellow plus category, which until now has been considered yellow, that is, a low-risk area, by changing the classification. The decision was made by the Ministry of Health together with the provincial leaders.

The borders of the provinces will not be closed, so entry to their territory will remain free and movement within the regions will be allowed.

The store will not be closed for the week, but it will be difficult to close all stores beyond the malls on Sunday, except for grocery stores and essentials. During the week, stores can only receive one customer at a time. Customers over the age of sixty-five receive the first two hours after the official opening hours.

Restaurants are only open from 3-6pm and only seating is allowed. The central and most visited streets of the cities are closed, even walking is prohibited. Outdoor sports are allowed in the larger parks on the outskirts. Elementary school students can still study in the classroom, but will fail physical education, as well as singing and music lessons.

We must do everything possible not to fall into the red zone, so it is better to make a small sacrifice now

The Venetian governor Luca Zaia declared.

Strict measures have been ordered in other Italian provinces due to the coronavirus

The number of active infected people in Italy exceeds half a million.

As of November 6, the territory of Italy was divided into areas of different colors according to the severity of the epidemic. Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Alto Adige, the province of Calabria and the Bolzano region are considered red, high risk. The middle orange class includes Liguria, Abruzzo, Umbria, Tuscany, Basilicata, Puglia, Sicily. Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna received a yellow plus rating. The rest of the country is considered yellow, currently there is no green zone as none of the regions is free from the epidemic.

Thanks to gradually introduced restrictions, the epidemic curve has stabilized, with just over 30,000 new patients a day. However, the workload of hospitals has reached a critical level and the daily death toll is also high, reaching 623 on Wednesday. This figure was the last so high in early April.

Italians to the index: restrictions are frustrating

They no longer clap, they scorch on the terraces. Some people get depressed and even commit suicide.
