Coronavirus: already 1% of the Italian population is actively infected


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In the last 24 hours, 636 patients have died after the previous 623 and 580 two days ago. The daily death toll was highest on March 24, when 969 people lost their lives in 24 hours.

The number of deaths in Italy reached 43,589.

The number of newly screened infections was 37,978 after less than 33,000 a day ago. More than 234,000 tests were performed and the proportion of tests and patients examined increased from the previous fourteen percent to sixteen percent.

The number of actively infected people exceeded 635,000, or more than one percent of the population of 60 million. According to the Gimbe Health Research Institute, upon exceeding the one percent threshold, “the epidemic situation has become uncontrollable.”

About 30,000 patients are treated in the hospital and there are 3,170 in the intensive care unit. The number of infected, including those healed and the dead, is 1,066,401.

Most of the new patients continued to be evaluated in Lombardy, with more than 9,000 in one day, second in Piedmont with 4,787 and Campania in 4,065 new patients.

As of November 6, the territory of Italy was divided into areas of different colors according to the severity of the epidemic. Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Alto Adige, the province of Calabria and the Bolzano region are considered red, high risk. The middle orange class includes Liguria, Abruzzo, Umbria, Tuscany, Basilicata, Puglia, Sicily. Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna received a yellow plus rating. The rest of the country is considered yellow, there is currently no green zone since none of the regions is free of epidemic risk. In the provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna, new austerity measures were announced on Thursday.

In Milan, an impromptu demonstration was held in the Piazza del Duomo, with the city’s merchants protesting the restrictions. The city, with the entire province of Lombardy, is in a red zone, which means that only grocery stores and shops selling other essentials can be opened. Business owners who also violated the curfew called for immediate help from a government “supported by the people.”

According to the Interior Ministry, since the third week of October, more than four hundred street demonstrations have been carried out across the country against government measures.

Domenico Arcuri, an epidemiologist, told a press conference that the tightening had managed to freeze the epidemic curve, which had not increased significantly. However, the situation is critical due to the high number of patients, he added. He has announced the establishment of so-called epidemic hotels for non-serious patients who are currently in home quarantine.

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