Index – National – This is how Viktor Orbán reviews his quarantined foreign minister


It does not infect via the Internet, so you can remove your mask – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán began while making a video call with Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Their exchange of views is worth listening to / reading, which will be communicated below without changes.

Péter Szijjártó: I feel like the person with the virus is still a bit more of a question than an answer.

Viktor Orban: You have an industrial amount of virus in you.

Péter Szijjártó: They said he was still one of the best champions.

Viktor Orban: You’ve probably met a super contagious somewhere, don’t come back, stay a few more days! I decided that only someone who has two negative tests and has passed at least 48 hours between them can go back to work.

Péter Szijjártó: I have to say that it is a bit more stressful mentally than physically.

Viktor Orban: You are very lucky to be young, because if you are over sixty, that may take you far. From here, it is clear that the elderly and our parents, my father was now 80 years old a day or two ago, so what we tell them should be taken seriously. Because whatever they survived, you know, in vain they survived WWI and ’56, and comics, it’s a disease that can just take them away. This must be taken very seriously. When the first news came out in February or March that there was an epidemic, I took Camus Pestis off the shelf and read it. If it’s out, take it off the shelf and read it.
