To Orbán Szijjártó: They say you have an industrial amount of virus in you


Viktor Orban online asked about coronavirus Péter Szijjártó and shared a snippet of the conversation on his Facebook page.

The Prime Minister first told the Foreign Minister that he could remove his mask because it did not infect on the Internet, and then he told him

They say you have an industrial amount of virus in you.

Szijjártó reacted to this by being one of the top headlines.

Orban told the foreign minister not to go back to work for a few more days. As he expressed, he issued a resolution that only those who have two negative tests and 48 hours have elapsed between the two can return to work.

By the way, Szijjártó spoke about his condition, he was a bit more stressful mentally than physically. To this end, the prime minister put it

you are very lucky to be young because if you were over 60 it might be necessary. From here you can clearly see what we are saying to the elderly, our parents, my father has already turned 80 for a day or two, what we are telling them is to take yourselves seriously. In vain they survived World War II, comics, it is a disease that can take them away.

Orbán concluded that when the first news about the epidemic arrived in spring, he read Albert camus Pestisand suggested to Szijjártó that he do the same.

Péter Szijjártó visited Cambodia last Monday, his test came back positive the next day in Thailand. Since then, four people in Cambodia, including the Hungarian ambassador, have been diagnosed with a coronavirus, but according to Thai authorities, the chancellor also infected a Hungarian diplomat in Bangkok. Tamás Menczer it cannot be stated with such certainty.
