We have compiled the most important information about the rules.

  • With some exceptions, it is forbidden to be on the street between 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. How can I prove it was my business?

It depends on what you were doing. They may be legally outside walking a dog (but only within 500 meters of the residence) or have to move to work, even on the road. The latter must be supported by an official document (which you can also download here) in which the employer declares that it was necessary to violate the curfew. You can also go to a pharmacy (they don’t need to close at 7 in the afternoon), it’s a matter of how the police verify the justification for this. Professional athletes were also exempt if they had to go to training or a match.

  • But what if I arrive in front of the house at 7:55 pm but look for parking for 45 minutes and can only stop two blocks away?

The decree promulgated on Tuesday night does not give guidelines for this, we asked the police about it. It is also a question of what happens to someone who goes home to an apartment after 8 pm where they are not registered. We also ask the police for guidance on this. The main rule is that everyone should get home by 8 and then there is no problem.

  • What if I take care of my sick old relative late into the night, and only then do I go home afterwards?

This seems like a pretty convincing argument, it was possible to drive under the spring curfew with reference to it. This is not detailed in the regulation now, we have also asked the police for guidance on this, but it is not realistic to have a police officer on every corner, so that you can get home without any problems.

  • It is also unclear where he should wear a mask on the street.

The decision is in the hands of the mayors, there is a lot of confusion in Budapest. A XIII. The district mayor, for example, ordered masks to be worn everywhere except in parks, however we found no such requirement in District V. This practically means that the mask is mandatory on one side of St. Stephen’s Boulevard and not on the other. (You can find more details about the district’s rules here.) The capital can decide on some areas, but as far as we know, the use of masks may be required in some parts of Isla Margarita.

  • How does a police officer know in which district what the rule is?

Either they get a detailed list of the rules or they entrust this section to the district’s public space inspectors who will surely know the regulations.

  • How much penalty do I get if I break the rules?

Earlier, even during the curfew imposed starting at midnight, the police handed out an average of HUF 20,000 in fines, which can be calculated. According to the decree, the on-site fine can range from HUF 5,000 to HUF 150,000 and, in the case of repeated violations, up to HUF 200,000.

  • Will I normally have to queue in front of the stores if there are many inside?

Stores can decide for themselves if they want a staff limit, so far we haven’t heard of this from larger chains. According to the general secretary of the National Trade Association, György Vámos, the crowds in the shops are sure to be more crowded at night. There is no general recipe on how to handle this. Some will place fewer shopping carts, while others will count those that enter the store. Many small shops and businesses have already announced that there can only be one or two people in the store at a time. Since the stores have to close at 7:00 p.m. M., After 8:00 p.m. M., You can’t even go home to buy.

  • The gym is closed. If I still want to play sports in November, where can I go?

For example, you can play on a sports field, it doesn’t matter if there are more. You can run, bike, walk, play soccer, or any other team sport. There are public “fitness machines”, you can also use them. The pool is also excluded, except for professional athletes. Importantly, you also have to get home after training at 8pm.

  • I had a theater ticket for November 20. Did I lose the money?

No, you will get your ticket back (unless you cancel to support the theater), but not immediately. It will be the same as in spring. Just as you cannot sit in a restaurant or confectionery, you can only be inside until you take care of the food you ordered. A good wellness weekend can be, safe for 30 days, only in a hotel for business, economic or educational purposes, but according to regulation, the wellness department will not be open.

For example, you can move freely between 5 a.m. M. And 8 p.m. M., But before 8 o’clock you have to arrive at your place of residence, stay or accommodation. Obviously, nothing happens when someone is not sleeping at home, as the police may have trouble verifying that more than 10 people are being invited to a family party. This is essentially left to “voluntary compliance”.

You can find the detailed rules here:

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