After a day and a half, Majka’s fever passed. You can feel the flavors and smells, but it makes you cold. Visibly better than when it was registered yesterday. More tired than usual. She is glad to have been sent home for her son’s birthday. Doctors told Majka to stay in contact with her children because they are more resistant and the virus has to get through them too. Majka was treated at Balassagyarmat Hospital, but is now home. Dundika’s condition also improved.
Majka returned home with a huge bag of medicine. The package includes steroids and antibiotics, which the composer must take until next week’s check.
My lungs hurt from that. I do not feel so well. I’m on the horn a bit.
– Bilateral pneumonia is reported in the presenter’s covid diary.
Majka was very upset with the MOVIE meme to exaggerate the coronavirus.
My f*they have to do with the condition I am in. I also wrote to them that f..es there are 80,000 movie sites and that you have fun.*hide someone who is sick .. What a human attitude !?
The rapper fears that his condition will get worse later, so he will pay attention to his health. He admitted he panicked a bit, but it was beyond his difficulty, he said.
Favipiravir has been shown to be effective in treating malaria. According to him, Chinese medicine has improved the condition of his lungs.
Feel free to collect if there is any problem
He warned his followers.
A person may be traversed by a fear that does not really exist, but fear exceeds the sense of reality.
– you also want to develop this feeling in the host’s song.
The rapper checked in with an oxygen mask after his condition worsened.