Donald Trump cannot accept the idea of ​​not winning the US presidential election. In Georgia, meanwhile, a vote recount was ordered.

Attorneys for US President Donald Trump filed another lawsuit and Georgia ordered a recount Wednesday. The legal team of the president of the United States filed a lawsuit in federal court to suspend the application of the results of the Michigan elections. In Michigan, Donald Trump has about 148,000 fewer votes than his challenger, Joe Biden, according to unpublished data from the US press.

In their argument, the president’s lawyers allege alleged electoral irregularities.

Jake Rollow, a spokesman for the Michigan elections authority, dismissed the allegations in the lawsuit in a statement. “It doesn’t change the truth: The elections in Michigan were conducted fairly, safely and transparently, and the results accurately reflect the will of the people,” Rollow said.

In southern Georgia, a full manual vote countdown was officially ordered on Wednesday. At a news conference Wednesday morning, Brad Raffensperger, the minister of state also responsible for the election, announced that votes would be counted manually in each county. The vote difference between the two politicians is too small, Raffensperger said. He noted that the procedure “builds trust.” Raffensperger also emphasized that the Georgian elections have “national importance” and therefore he investigates all complaints and allegations of electoral fraud. The result of the election will be until November 20, he added.

The Republican Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, already indicated Tuesday that only legal votes will be re-counted. After the Nov. 3 election, four states – North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Alaska – still have no final results, and in Pennsylvania and Nevada, Donald Trump’s legal team has already filed lawsuits.

President Donald Trump wrote again about voter fraud in one of his Twitter posts on Wednesday. According to him, the electoral process was characterized by “a lot of corruption and dishonesty.” “We will win,” wrote the president.

Despite the lack of an official end result, much of the US press reports report that Joe Biden and his colleagues are already working to form a future Democratic government.

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