Now steps can be taken to protect life.


According to the overwhelming majority, the country must also act during defense, Viktor Orbán said on TV2’s Facts newscast. Most people would be removed from work if primary schools and kindergartens were closed, the prime minister added. We want to cut taxes in the future and the goal is not to have to lay off people. We will not abandon the economy based on work – emphasized Viktor Orbán. It is now possible to take measures to protect life, said the Prime Minister.

Experts and scientists said that without the measures, medical care at the right level would not be possible after a while, said Viktor Orbán. He told TV2 that if everything had gone as before, there would have been a 50 percent chance of staying operational, up from 99.9 percent today. The prime minister said that measures could now be taken to protect life because it has a psychological factor.

He also said that the example of Austria had been taken into account in the measures. The health system is in a heroic state, he added. Everyone does superhuman work, but their power is finite, so these steps had to be taken now. They will resist the load, they will resist the mud.According to Viktor Orbán, the elderly are the most vulnerable, they need special attention.

Viktor Orbán: The country must workSource: Origo

The drug comes constantly

He stated that there are more and more drugs in Hungary that can be used to successfully treat patients in hospitals and at home, to alleviate the course of the disease. The supply of these drugs will arrive constantly, Viktor Orbán said. The Prime Minister sees that the doctors in Hungary want to help a person in trouble, this is a memory of all of us since our childhood, this is still the case today, they are faithful to their oath.

Viktor Orbán also spoke about the different opinions of citizens on the measures. According to the overwhelming majority, the country must also act during defense – added. Most people would be removed from work if primary schools and kindergartens were closed, the prime minister said.

Police are human

According to the Prime Minister, we are in a difficult and sad time. The most important thing is that whoever follows the rules can convince whoever follows them the least, said Viktor Orbán. The Hungarian is a sensible breed, I am optimistic. added.

The police should be human, but not soft, because you have to follow the rules, the prime minister said. Viktor Orbán also said that the military will also help patrol, serve on a mixed basis.

About the vaccine, he said that there is no vaccine that has exceeded the four required barriers. There is already one that has already stood the test of time, he added. Vaccines produced in the European Union could take a fourth step in January, similar to Russian and Chinese ones, the prime minister said. At the end of December, a smaller quantity of vaccine will be available in January. Hundreds of millions of vaccines will be needed in the EU, but it will only be around April.

Viktor Orbán said that the effects of the measures will be felt within two weeks. The Prime Minister is also consulting with the Chancellors of Austria and Germany, and has also received this information from them. Today, all I can say is hope for Christmas, and I hope it can be celebrated more freely.

According to the head of government, they can guarantee the survival of the companies next month. We want to cut taxes in the future and the goal is not to have to lay off people. We will not let go of the work-based economy, he concluded.
