Index – National – I can’t see the end of the tunnel on subway 3


For a long time, metro buses will probably be completely unnecessary with their passengers, according to our BKV sources.

Construction of the central section of the M3 tunnel is not yet underway.

The deal fell into a pit Swietelsky railway technology and BKV, as it was not possible to reach an agreement on the payment of the disputed funds or the reduction of the claim within the additional period of two days.

Metro M3: the surface is already chattering, still listening to the deep

The renovation will continue in November

Due to previous project delays and other cost increases, the contractor requested an additional 18 billion HUF from the transport company, which, however, they would not have been willing to pay for half of these. Swietelsky pledged to renovate the tunnel for HUF 48 billion in 2017, which was already double the costs of rebuilding the northern and southern sections incurred by competitor Strabag on the line.

And yet hThe public procurement procedure for the part between Nagyvárad tér and Lehel tér will have to be repeated, it will not only significantly delay the project time, but also increase its price. In the three years since the original contract was signed, price indices have risen significantly, which is sure to make investment more expensive. And even fumbling in the dark tunnel, you can’t figure out who would fund this and from what. Also, if the BKV runs out due to necessary EU funding Starting with the 2023 deadline, it could mean a more serious payment.

A switch at the Border Road station on subway line 3 was glowing, the line was closed

Traffic may have resumed, but security questions remained.

The applause of public funds will seriously affect Metro 3 anyway, as the Russian trains running there will also produce anomalies. According to the Association for the Metro, the expert investigation initiated by production and supply problems was completed in August, but its results have not been made public since then.

The southern section of the line, which was quickly delivered in early November, had already produced an accident. The unmanned train has collapsed a bumper on Border Road, but there are fears that if the technical issues are not resolved, we may encounter more such obstacles in the future.

The assembly in the photo posted on the Regionalbahn website also had an accident on a test drive at the turn of the millennium. Fortunately, no one was injured even then, but this does not guarantee that similar accidents will not occur with trains full of passengers.
