Index – National – Restrictions have gone into effect, you may be prepared for a hefty fine for not following the rules


Details of the restrictions that took effect on Wednesday from 0 o’clock to curb the spread of the coronavirus were published in the Hungarian Gazette on Tuesday evening. We have written about these in more detail in our article.

Who feels that it is not necessarily his strength to follow the rules or simply forgetfulness,


The Magyar Közlöny states that compliance with the measures is monitored by the police with the help of the Armed Forces, and if the police or soldiers receive customers in stores for not wearing the mask as intended, the owner of the store

You can be fined from a hundred thousand florins to a million florins,

the business can be closed for at least a day and up to a year. In addition, in a certain store, lottery or tobacco shop between seven and five in the afternoon, only those who work there and others can be inside. If for some reason you violate this provision, the situation is the same: the store is closed and the owner can pay. Heads of educational establishments where they do not have thermometers can expect the same fine. You should keep that in mind

a place can be fined more than once a day.

The store can swim the sanction if the organizer, operator or employee has called the violators to behave properly or to leave the room, but they do not comply and he calls a police officer. Everyone has 15 days to pay the fine and the decision cannot be appealed, so there is really no pardon.

Those who do not follow the rules for wearing a mask can be fined a minimum of HUF 5,000 and a maximum of HUF 500,000. You have a slightly higher chance of imposing a fine on the spot: the minimum penalty is HUF 5,000 and the maximum is HUF 150,000.

Fixed violators can be fined up to 200,000 HUF.

(Cover image: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI)
