Cecília Müller: The steps up to now have not been enough, they have to be hardened


The new measures are aimed at minimizing the transmission of infection, operating the health care system safely and speeding up the recovery process, the national medical director said Tuesday at the online press conference of the operational tribe responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic.

According to the national director, Cecília Müller, the measures taken so far are no longer enough to curb the virus, so stricter measures must be taken. He explained that the measures that will be introduced from midnight on Tuesday are aimed at flattening the national epidemic curve.

He said epidemiologists are constantly analyzing data on the virus. Currently, appropriate decisions and procedures are made based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

Cecília Müller highlighted that there are currently 6,153 patients with coronavirus in hospitals, of which 461 are on ventilators.

He added that it is important to keep as few people as possible in the hospital, but to do so we must avoid infection by strictly following hygiene rules.

Flu vaccines are given continuously

GPs are advised to schedule chronic disease patients, high-risk patients, when scheduling influenza vaccines, added Cecília Müller.

When evaluating the weekly changes, the national medical director said that the number of positivity cases had increased 1.5 times. Most of the patients have been registered so far on November 4, a total of 5,319. Since the start of the epidemic, the proportion of all Covid-positive patients in the 40-49 age group has reached 25 percent.

The average age of newly registered patients in the last week was 45 years, which is not significantly different from the data in the previous week.

Compared to the previous week, the fewest new patients were registered in Tolna County, 488 cases.

Analyzing regional data for weeks 44 and 45, Cecília Müller said the virus is spreading the fastest in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, where the number of new patients doubled. In Pest County, the proportion of new infections increased by 90 percent, while in the capital, Budapest, the weekly increase was more than 80 percent.

The number of patients per 100,000 in Hungary is currently 1,174.

This proportion is the highest in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, followed by Budapest and Nógrád counties. The municipalities of Somogy, Békés and Tolna have the lowest number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants, he emphasized.

Cecília Müller welcomed the increased demand for influenza vaccination, with only half of the total stock used in previous years. Published by:

vaccines are delivered continuously and the Hungarian vaccine factory is also working to fulfill the orders. The officer’s chief physician warned everyone to be patient.

He recalled that the influenza pandemic in Hungary occurs in late January and early February, and generally takes two weeks for protection to develop.

There are many infractions

Police took action 144 times Monday for ignoring the rules on wearing a mask and 146 times for violating curfew rules, the deputy director of the coronavirus epidemic operational center said Tuesday at an online press conference.

Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said they had to act 24 times on Monday because they did not use or did not use the mask correctly in public transport, warned nine people, fined five at the scene and reported 10 to the police.

On Monday, non-compliance with the rules for the use of masks in stores and public institutions was reported 113 times, of which 41 were warned, 45 were fined on the spot and 27 people were reported. Since the rules were introduced, 2,500 measures have been needed.

On Monday, 37 of those who violated traffic rules were fined at the scene and one person was reported.

On Monday, 3,941 official internal quarantines were ordered and currently 36,078 people are subject to such restrictive measures, of which 3,190 use the mobile application developed for online monitoring.

When checking the curfew, they had to act in 146 cases, warn them in six cases, impose fines on the spot in 95 cases, and report 45 people.
