Index – National – Here are details of the new restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus


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Details of the restrictions that will take effect on Wednesday from 0 o’clock to curb the spread of the coronavirus were published in the Hungarian Gazette on Tuesday evening.

All meetings are prohibited.

A curfew will be in effect from zero o’clock at night from zero o’clock at night to 5 o’clock in the morning, everyone must be home by 8 at night. It’s an exception to curfew

  • the play,
  • a situation that threatens harm to health, life or serious injury,
  • life protection goal,
  • a sporting event, training (including travel) for a competitive athlete, and
  • walking dogs on the condition that you stay within 500 meters of the residence.

The purpose of work and training must be documented.

From the age of six, everyone must wear a mask.

  • inside a settlement with a resident population of more than ten thousand in a public area or public place designated by the local government, except during sports activities, and in parks and green areas,
  • by public transport,
  • when shopping in the store or working in the store,
  • in shopping centers, except for offices, sports facilities and factory premises,
  • In the files,
  • in the territory of the administrative body open to clients,
  • at the post office,
  • in all other rooms where a reception is provided for administrative purposes and where, including employees there, more than 5 people are regularly present at any one time, and
  • in all rooms where they are waiting for public transport.

Restaurants must be closed, they cannot accept guests, only those requesting takeout can stay in their area. Home delivery can be requested, the administrative implications of which are borne by the Orbán government, involving the taxi drivers in the task. An exception to this

  • the hotel restaurant or buffet,
  • a restaurant or bar located on the property, if only the guest of the accommodation is served,
  • the dining room and buffet of the public educational institution and the professional training institution, if only the employee of the educational institution or the student of the educational institution and the
  • a restaurant and a buffet in the health institution.

With the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, stores can be open until 7 p.m. and then open at 5 a.m. at the earliest when the curfew expires. Service providers and services not mentioned in the regulation (eg hairdresser, massage therapist, personal trainer) can normally operate under the curfew rules.

The hotels do not accept tourists, only guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons. Any event, including

  • concerts, which are described in the text as “an event that provides a music service as a primary service provided on a regular or specific occasion or at a specific time, in the form of a selection of public or non-public music or a performance in alive”,
  • other cultural events,
  • sports events,
  • private events, and
  • the Christmas fairs.

Religious community ceremonies may be held at the discretion of the religious community. In this context, the government asked the religious communities to define the rules of conduct in their ceremonies in accordance with the general rules. Sports matches must be held behind closed doors. The practice of individual sports in the open air is allowed, according to the relevant legislation, competitive athletes cannot be restricted in this activity.

The use of leisure facilities, including in particular fitness rooms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, ice rinks, is prohibited.

Individual recreational sports activities (running, walking, biking) are permitted in public areas, public places, or outdoor sports fields, but

The practice of collective sports, in particular football, hockey, handball, basketball and volleyball in public places, public places and sports grounds is prohibited.

These safeguards do not apply to sports and training events that are held competitively for athletes under the Sports Act.

Nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools are open until the eighth grade as usual, with special institutional protection measures determined by the principal. Secondary schools have been operating on a digital work schedule since the ninth grade. Colleges and universities operate at the discretion of the school principal. Universities and colleges are moving towards a digital agenda. Universities of higher education institutions will be closed, the Rector may establish exceptions. Residence may be granted, in particular, to foreign and cross-border students and those who comply with the official obligation of home quarantine in the dormitory.

Private and family events (such as birthdays) can be held with a maximum of ten participants. There can be up to fifty at a funeral.

Weddings can be held without a wedding, however only certain people can attend the event. As for marriage, just that

  • the head of the ceremony or the registrar,
  • the married,
  • witnesses of the spouses,
  • parents, grandparents of the couple, respectively
  • brothers and sisters of the couple and
  • children of married people

may be present.

Workers in hospitals, schools, kindergartens, kindergartens and those working in social institutions must undergo weekly tests, as set out in a separate government decree. The rules introduced so far to carry and maintain the distance remain valid, with the following:

The use of a mask is mandatory in some public areas of settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants.

It is the responsibility of the mayor to designate the areas. The use of a mask is not yet mandatory when practicing sports or in parks or green areas.
