Index – Domestic – Viktor Orbán: The mandatory use of masks will also be mandatory in public areas


Hungary is now where Austria was a week ago. Experts say there is a 50 percent chance that the healthcare system will endure, so it’s time to act

– announced Viktor Orbán in an interview with M1 in the evening, a few hours after Parliament approved the bill on the state of emergency.

The prime minister reiterated that Hungary’s laboratory is Austria and that it has the most hospital beds and ventilators in the European Union, explaining that experts now have a 50 percent chance that if things continue like this, the medical care lasts. because there are many defensive devices, but the number of professionals is finite.

This 50 percent is a very low rate, so these decisions had to be made now.

Said the Prime Minister. Regarding the use of the mask, he said that if 80 percent of people use the mask, it will be enough to slow the virus to a minimum or even stop it, but that little by little it will be small, according to Viktor Orbán.

It’s good for people to wear the mask, but that’s not enough anymore

– stated and emphasized that

The mandatory use of masks is also required in public areas starting Tuesday at midnight.

He also spoke about the curfew and it should be ordered, but the students and teachers were not sent on leave but it would be digital education and they should be home by eight at night.

Regarding rapid tests, the prime minister said that it was better to talk about things honestly, so he said that if someone says that the rapid test is infected, you can say with 90 percent certainty that a person really have contracted a coronavirus infection. However, if someone tests negative based on a rapid test result, it means they have a 60 percent chance of not being infected. He added that he is awaiting the results of the national tests for now and will make further decisions accordingly.

Viktor Orbán emphasized that rapid tests will be made available to those who work in the social sphere, but said that he would have to wait first for the results of neighboring countries on the opposition’s proposal, that is, its comprehensive test. Highlights:

there are so many rapid tests that can evaluate all social workers.

Regarding the vaccine, the prime minister said that the vaccine is close and that doctors, who work to maintain public order, will be the first to be vaccinated.

I think this will be enough to vaccinate doctors, nurses, hospital workers, law enforcement officers, and perhaps even the most troublesome patients. 50-100 thousand vaccines will arrive from the EU in December, and other vaccines are also being negotiated

Said the Prime Minister. He also spoke about trying to take advantage of Israeli opportunities, but also hopes that there will be a massive delivery date, which used to be around April. This means that the Prime Minister expects that

partial relief comes in December-January and an end in April.

He also stressed that the curfew is for one month, as are the restrictions, and he will be able to report the results in two weeks.

If all goes well, we can get rid of him at Christmas.

Added. Viktor Orbán also spoke about the fact that, in his opinion, it is not the subareas that should be regulated, but life and health.

You have to survive, you have to provide for the family, you have to feed the children. I want to help people so that they can live their lives.

He stressed that secondary schools are moving towards digital education, but do not want to close elementary schools yet so that parents do not have to stay home with their children.

Viktor Orban

Viktor Orban

Photo: M1 / ​​Click multimedia

Regarding protection against coronaviruses in the EU, the Prime Minister said that other countries may have richer or better equipment, but in Hungary, quality and strength come from the soul. He put it this way: Hungary has good reason to be proud of its health workers. According to the Prime Minister, there is a strong sense of belonging in the Hungarian people, and he sees that this quality will give success behind the numbers.

because in the end we will go further and win

– Viktor Orbán summed up. The list of epidemiological restrictions in effect since midnight on Tuesday looks like this:

  • All meetings and events are prohibited.
  • Restaurants are closed, except factory ones, only home delivery is possible.
  • Shops and hairdressing salons and other small boat services must close at 7 pm
  • Hotels cannot accept tourists, only business travelers.
  • Up to ten people can participate in family reunions and private events.
  • Weddings can only be celebrated without a wedding. Only parents, siblings, and witnesses of church and civic ceremonies, as well as family members, can attend.
  • Funerals can be held for up to 50 people.
  • Sporting events can only be held behind closed doors. Individual sports are allowed outdoors, but amateur team sports are prohibited.
  • Leisure facilities, fitness rooms, indoor pools, theaters, museums and zoos must be closed.
  • Higher education can only work online, and colleges of higher education will close as well. In high schools, they are transitioning to digital education starting in the eighth grade. Nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools will remain open for those under 14 years of age.
  • Hospital and daycare staff and educators now undergo weekly testing for a targeted rapid coronavirus test.
