Ferenc Falus’ medical license has expired ten years ago


Ferenc Falus’s medical license had expired 10 years ago, Ripost learned. The left classifies him as an expert in epidemiology, although he no longer works as a doctor, more precisely: he cannot even work because he does not have a license.

More than ten years ago, in March 2010, his medical license expired and left-wing epidemiologist Ferenc Falus was unable to practice. The villagers graduated from general medicine in 1975, the first two years in Moscow, and in 1979 they passed the pulmonary medicine exam.

In Hungary, healthcare activities can be carried out independently only by those who have a valid operating license in addition to the basic qualification. However, Ferenc Falus cannot work as a doctor, in Hungarian he cannot approach patients.

Source: Ripost / State Health Care Center

Because according to the law All healthcare professionals must renew their operating license every five years. This is the only way to ensure that a doctor has current knowledge. This is the basic condition for successful medical work, writes the document. All physicians must collect in-service training points, this is a professional guarantee that their knowledge is not out of date. Some of the points can be obtained by a doctor with a certified job in a position corresponding to the professional qualification, and others through participation in various subsequent training and a score obtained in the knowledge assessment.

A general practitioner who told Ripost said that additional training is also important because there they acquire new knowledge, And even if a doctor has an adequate score, if the knowledge level assessor cannot complete it, it will not be prolonged.

Falus FerencPhoto: István Bielik – Origo

Ferenc Falus did not meet these conditions, so it can be stated with complete certainty that does not have up-to-date medical knowledge.

However, he is a regular player in the leftist organs, although professionally he can have at most as much information as he reads in the press, not even a recipe.

The newspaper was looking for Ferenc Falus, who was eventually did not deny that it did not have a valid operating license. “I don’t work as a doctor,” he replied to Ripost.

According to Wikipedia, Ferenc Falus has lived off his family business since 2010. In 2014, he wanted to pursue a political career as a Co-PM co-mayor candidate, but managed to ridicule himself with his short film “Ice Bucket Challenge” uploaded to Facebook, in which is poured around the neck in his shorts, in the company of a horse. In 2017, he began a “tour of the country of health” with the co-president of the Diálogo, Tímea Szabó, although she had not had a valid medical license for 7 years at that time.

Absurd video of the village:
