After Viktor Orbán’s announcement, big changes will come in stores


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The prime minister’s announcements included the closure of shops and barber shops and other small boat service providers at 7 pm One major limitation is that the curfew lasts from 8 am to 5 pm (currently it starts at midnight).

Although the government’s action is fully justified by the epidemic situation, it should be noted that Due to this measure, the opening hours of national stores will change significantly, so the time frame for purchases can also be changed. – writes the Money Center.

In relation to this, György Vámos, general secretary of the National Trade Association (OKSZ), told the portal: what has authority is always what appears in the Hungarian Gazette in the form of legislation.

However, the announcement is clear, stores have to close at 7pm, there is nothing to discuss about it.

“However, we cannot enter into any opportunity at the moment, and it would be unethical. That is why we do not want to make predictions about the turnover or the possible increase in the number of customers in the stores. We have to wait for the first interpretable experience”, said.

There will be more people in the stores at the same time

Although, according to György Vámos, it is not possible to affirm that The new measure could provoke a more serious uproar in stores, Money Center has learned from industry sources that there may be experiences of this type, especially in the Christmas storm that is just beginning. As an example, most national grocery store chains are currently open from 8 am to 9 pm, but there are also quite a few that close only at 10 pm. and then we don’t even talk about day and night shops.

For all this, the new opening hours mean that the time available for shopping can be reduced by up to 20 percent, and for 24-hour stores, the drop can reach 50 percent. Therefore, buyers who have been shopping between 7:00 p.m. M. And 5:00 p.m. M. Until now they will be charged by the allowed time zone, which can lead to even more serious riots, especially at checkouts.

Stores adapt

As announced by Viktor Orbán, the measures will be applied from 11:00 on November 11, 2020. That is, after the enactment of the regulation, there is little time left for market participants to develop new work processes. In addition to reorganizing working time, this also affects inventory and vendor processes.

After the announcement, market participants began to prepare and restructure their operations to be able to comply with the new regulations. There will be many, many tasks, planning and reorganizations, but there is no fairy tale, it must be closed – added György Vámos, OKSZ general secretary.

The full article can be read at the Money Center.

Cover Image Source: Shutterstock
