Index – National – Viktor Orbán surpassed the 11 epidemic points of the opposition


Opposition factions submit a joint 11-point motion for a resolution to the National Assembly to help combat the epidemic and coronavirus crisis, MTI, JK, Jobbik, Dialogue, MSZP and LMP wrote on Monday. He also streamed online after his press conference. László Varju (DK) justified it by saying that it is clear to opposition parties that the government cannot stop the spread of the virus or deal with the crisis caused by the pandemic. He put it this way, “Free parking or night curfews will not help extreme medical care, queue jobs, schools that are ‘dancing’ on the brink of functioning, impoverished families and the elderly.”

In their proposal, the parties call for massive, free and easily accessible tests for all Hungarian citizens.

They urge the government to provide immediate financial support to families with children and retirees.

László Lukács, representative of Jobbik, spoke about the fact that it is recommended that social and health workers, teachers, patients and residents of social institutions be examined at least every two weeks. The prime minister’s announcement included weekly tests, but only for hospital workers, as opposed to full medical care, and also excluded residents of social institutions and patients. In turn, the cabinet will extend the weekly tests to nursery staff and educators.

At the same time, the state must carry out an immediate and effective contact investigation to protect the broadest sectors of society, he said.

Kocsis-Cake Olivio (Dialogue) talked about it

They ask for a 100 percent salary supplement for health workers.

It is also recommended that all infected people, actual or potential, receive free medical care, regardless of whether they have social security. He mentioned that his group had also filed a separate motion calling for sporting events to become a closed goal, for secondary and higher education to be converted to distance education, and for basic income to be introduced for crisis management.

Tamás Harangozó, the deputy leader of the MSZP faction, said the government “probably did not deliberately take” the necessary measures to prevent the epidemic during the second wave. Meanwhile, the cabinet did nothing for the financial security and livelihoods of individuals and families, he said. He highlighted the point at which 100 percent of sick pay is requested for those infected by the coronavirus and those who are in official quarantine, and that the duration of the allowance per job seeker should be increased to ninety days and the amount to a hundred thousand net florins.

Antal Csárdi, representative of the LMP, asked that the state support the conditions for the creation of work at home and the acquisition of the necessary infrastructure and equipment. He demanded that

relaunch support for part-time employment under significantly more favorable conditions than before.

He called at least as important that the cabinet withdraw “deductions that affect local governments” and provide additional subsidies so that the management of the settlements can fulfill its greater responsibilities.

Politicians were asked “why are we in a press conference now, why not in a functioning opposition tribe?” László Varju replied that “we are there” because the cooperation of the opposition met on Sunday and was informed of the results.

He was asked why, in this case, Momentum had not attended the press conference, to which the Vice President of DK replied that Momentum also had the opportunity to join. At another point, he added, the parties present have the opportunity to present a proposal for a parliamentary resolution, but “of course we are pleased that he joins the Momentum with the possibility of a European Parliament.”

As for why a resolution proposal is proposed, why a bill is not presented, the socialist Tamás Harangozó said that after all the opposition factions want to vote on the extension of the emergency, they will make proposals that are expected that the government implements. The purpose of the motions for resolutions is to set tasks for the government on behalf of Parliament, he said.
